
SU Podium官方最新程序及材质灯具库全套下载(支持迅雷)

BIM DigitalDawn 2015-2-10 11:38:17 71402
<TABLE width="95%" align=center>
<P class=style1 align=center><A name=menu></A>Table of Contents</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE border=1 cellSpacing=0 borderColor=#000000 cellPadding=1 width="95%" bgColor=#cccccc align=center>
<TR align=middle>
<TD><A href="#1"><FONT color=#0066cc>Download the latest Podium Beta or Full Version</FONT></A></TD>
<TD><A href="#2"><FONT color=#0066cc>Additional Presets (for 1.6)</FONT></A></TD></TR>
<TR align=middle>
<TD><A href="#3"><FONT color=#0066cc>Plant and Tree Plug-In</FONT></A></TD>
<TD><A href="#4"><FONT color=#0066cc><SPAN class=style4>New </SPAN>- Indoor Plants Addition</FONT></A></TD></TR>
<TR align=middle>
<TD><A href="#5"><FONT color=#0066cc>Full Light Fixture Plug-In</FONT></A></TD>
<TD><A href="#15"><FONT color=#0066cc><SPAN class=style4>New </SPAN>- Visa Light Addition</FONT></A></TD></TR>
<TR align=middle>
<TD><A href="#11"><FONT color=#0066cc>Podium Utilities: OmniGrid </FONT></A><SPAN class=style5>(create a grid of omni lights rapidly)</SPAN></TD>
<TD><A href="#6"><FONT color=#0066cc>Sample Light and Plants for Evaluators</FONT></A></TD></TR>
<TR align=middle>
<TD><A href="#7"><FONT color=#0066cc>Texture Libraries</FONT></A></TD>
<TD><A href="#8"><FONT color=#0066cc><SPAN class=style4>New </SPAN>- Texture Libraries #2</FONT></A></TD></TR>
<TR align=middle>
<TD><A href="#9"><FONT color=#0066cc>Podium Utilties: Podium_Tools.rbs</FONT></A></TD>
<TD><A href="#10"><FONT color=#0066cc>Podium Utilities: Podium Wizard</FONT></A></TD></TR>
<TR align=middle>
<TD><A href="#14"><FONT color=#0066cc>General Utility: SU Grid 2.0</FONT></A></TD>
<TD><A href="#12"><FONT color=#0066cc>Podium Previous Version Download</FONT></A></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR>
<TABLE width="95%" align=center>
<TD bgColor=#ff0000>
<P class=style1 align=center><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold"><A name=1></A>SU Podium 1.7 Beta for Windows and Mac<BR></SPAN><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt"><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt">(This is not a free/ eval version. You must have a serial number to install the below versions.)</SPAN></SPAN><BR></P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE border=1 borderColor=#000000 width="95%" bgColor=#ffffcc align=center>
<TD width=648><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">SU Podium Windows 1.7 BETA for SketchUp 6 or 7.<BR></SPAN></TD>
<TD width=178><A class=style4 href="http://video.suplugins.com/content/download/SU_Podium17_win_beta.zip"><FONT color=#0066cc>Click Here to download the Podium 1.7Windows BETA.</FONT></A></TD></TR>
<TD width=648><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">SU Podim Mac 1.7 BETA for Mac OSX 10.5 or above.</SPAN><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold"><BR></SPAN></TD>
<TD width=178><A class=style4 href="http://video.suplugins.com/content/download/SU_Podium_1.7_Full.zip"><SPAN style="TEXT-DECORATION: underline"><FONT color=#0066cc>Click Here to download the Podium 1.7 Mac BETA.</FONT></SPAN></A></TD></TR>
<TD width=648><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Read important detail about Podium 1.7<BR></SPAN></TD>
<TD width=178><A href="index.php?p=page&page_id=Podium_17" target=_blank><SPAN style="TEXT-DECORATION: underline"><FONT color=#0066cc>Click Here to read about it.</FONT></SPAN></A></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE width="95%" align=center>
<TD bgColor=#ff0000>
<P class=style1 align=center><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold">SU Podium 1.6 Mac/WinDownload (Current Full versions)<BR></SPAN><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt"><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt">(These are not the free/ eval version. You must have a serial number. )</SPAN></SPAN><BR></P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE border=1 cellPadding=1 width="95%" bgColor=#ffffcc align=center>
<TD width=648><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">SU Podium Windows 1.6.2 Runs on Google SketchUp 6 and 7.<BR></SPAN></TD>
<TD width=178><A class=style4 href="http://video.suplugins.com/content/download/SU_podium162_full_setup.zip"><SPAN style="TEXT-DECORATION: underline"><FONT color=#0066cc>Click Here to download the Podium 1.6.2 Windows.</FONT></SPAN></A></TD></TR>
<TD width=648><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">SU Podim Mac 1.6.1 for the Mac OSX 10.5. You must have a valid Podium serial number. Will install on both Google SketchUp 6 and 7.</SPAN><SPAN style="FONT-STYLE: italic; FONT-WEIGHT: bold">ONLY RUNS ON MAC OSX 10.5 or higher. You must have Leopard. </SPAN><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold"><BR></SPAN></TD>
<TD width=178><A class=style4 href="http://video.suplugins.com/content/download/SU_Podium_1.6.1_Mac_Full.zip"><SPAN style="TEXT-DECORATION: underline"><FONT color=#0066cc>Click Here to download the Podium 1.6.1 Mac .</FONT></SPAN></A></TD></TR>
<TD width=648><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Read important detail about Podium 1.6 and 1.6.1<BR></SPAN></TD>
<TD width=178><A href="index.php?p=page&page_id=Podium_16" target=_blank><SPAN style="TEXT-DECORATION: underline"><FONT color=#0066cc>Click Here to read about it.</FONT></SPAN></A></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
<P align=right><A href="#menu"><FONT color=#0066cc>Back to TOC</FONT></A></P>
<TABLE width="95%" align=center>
<TD bgColor=#ff0000>
<P class=style1 align=center><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold"><A name=2></A>Additional Presets for Podium 1.6</SPAN></P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE border=1 cellPadding=1 width="95%" bgColor=#99ccff align=center>
<TD width=648><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">OPTIMAlem.xml.</SPAN> This preset solves much of the leaky light problems found in default.xml with Omni and LEM lights. In most circumstances 50 on quality slider is enough to get a high quality. Speed is somewhere between the default.xml and quality.xml. Download, unzip and the copy to your Podium\Preset folder.</TD>
<TD width=178><A class=style4 href="http://video.suplugins.com/presets/OPTIMAlem.zip"><SPAN style="TEXT-DECORATION: underline"><FONT color=#0066cc>Click Here to download OPTIMAlem.zip </FONT></SPAN></A></TD></TR>
<TD width=648><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Black and White.xml.</SPAN> Do you find yourself in a need to separate background colors from foreground colors in Photoshop or your image editor. Use Black and Whitel.xml to create a black and white rendered image. Layer in the back of your color rendered image to create a mask in Photoshop so you can change the background colors more easily.</TD>
<TD width=178><A class=style4 href="http://video.suplugins.com/presets/Black_and_White.zip"><SPAN style="TEXT-DECORATION: underline"><FONT color=#0066cc>Click Here to Black_and_White.zip .</FONT></SPAN></A></TD></TR>
<TR><FONT color=#0066cc></FONT></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
<P align=right><A href="#menu"><FONT color=#0066cc>Back to TOC</FONT></A></P>
<TABLE width="95%" bgColor=#ff0000 align=center>
<P align=center><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold" class=style1><A name=3></A>Podium Plant and Tree Plug-in for SU Podium 1.6 <BR></SPAN></P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE borderColor=#000000 width="51%" bgColor=#ccff99 align=center>
<TR align=middle>
<TD height=23><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" class=style3>Tree</SPAN></TD>
<TD><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" class=style3>Plants</SPAN></TD>
<TD><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" class=style3>Shurbs</SPAN></TD>
<TD><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" class=style3>Ozbreed</SPAN></TD></TR>
<TR align=middle>
<TD height=92 width="19%"><IMG src="http://www.suplugins.com/images/custom/outdoor-4.jpg" width=128 height=128></TD>
<TD width="19%"><IMG src="http://www.suplugins.com/images/custom/outdoor-18.jpg" width=128 height=128></TD>
<TD width="19%"><IMG src="http://www.suplugins.com/images/custom/outdoor-59.jpg" width=128 height=128></TD>
<TD width="43%"><IMG src="http://www.suplugins.com/images/custom/ozbreed-1.jpg" width=128 height=128></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE width="95%" bgColor=#ccff99 align=center>
<P>This component library is comprised of hundreds of 2D alpha transparency images for use with Podium 1.6 or the upcoming 1.7. The plugin is a drag and drop library of hundreds of tress, plants and shrubs. The plugin includes a library of Ozbreed plant clipmaps created by Ozbreed plants by Enviro Graphic. (www.envirographic.com). The components are "Podium render-ready" meaning they are face-me components that can be dragged and droped into your SketchUp model. Podium will recognize the transparent backgrounds and render them beautifully.</P></TD></TR>
<TD bgColor=#cccccc width="95%">
<P class=style4 align=center><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold"><A href="http://video.suplugins.com/files/PodiumPlants&Trees1.0.4Setup.exe"><FONT color=#0066cc>Plants&Trees 1.0.4 Windows Version - Download Windows version here</FONT></A></SPAN></P>
<P align=center>Windows Install - the download file is an executable and is 235 mb. Run the install program and install the Podium Plants and Trees plugin into the SketchUp (6 or 7) Plugins folder. <SPAN style="FONT-STYLE: italic; FONT-WEIGHT: bold">You must have a valid Podium serial number for the plug-in to work.</SPAN></P></TD></TR>
<TD bgColor=#99ffff width="95%">
<P class=style4 align=center><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Mac Version - Download Windows version (currently only works in SketchUp 7 Mac)</SPAN></P>
<P align=center><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold"><A href="http://video.suplugins.com/files/PodiumPlants_Trees1.0.4_SketchUp7.zip"><FONT color=#0066cc>Plants&Trees1.0.4 for SketchUp 7 Mac</FONT></A></SPAN></P>
<P>Mac Install - Pick a SketchUp version and then download. The download file is a zip file and is 230 mb. Close SketchUp. Unzip the download file with StuffIt or any other Mac unzip program. Run package install program and it will automatically install in your MacIntosh HD //library//Application Support//Google SketchUp 7//SketchUp//plugins// folder. The Plants&Trees plugin will display in your SketchUp Plugins menu. <SPAN style="FONT-STYLE: italic; FONT-WEIGHT: bold">You must full verson of Podium 1.6 for the program to work. Unfortunately, Plants and Trees 1.0.4 will not run on SketchUp 6 Mac.</SPAN></P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
<P align=right><A href="#menu"><FONT color=#0066cc>Back to TOC</FONT></A></P>
<TABLE width="95%" bgColor=#ff0000 align=center>
<P align=center><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold" class=style1><A name=4></A>Indoor Plants Addition for Plants&Trees 1.0.4<BR></SPAN></P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE borderColor=#000000 width="51%" bgColor=#ccff99 align=center>
<TR align=middle>
<TD height=92 width="19%"><IMG src="http://video.suplugins.com/images/Indoor/Indoor-94.jpg" width=128 height=128></TD>
<TD width="19%"><IMG src="http://video.suplugins.com/images/Indoor/Indoor-79.jpg" width=128 height=128></TD>
<TD width="19%"><IMG src="http://video.suplugins.com/images/Indoor/Indoor-36.jpg" width=128 height=128></TD>
<TD width="43%"><IMG src="http://video.suplugins.com/images/Indoor/Indoor-48.jpg" width=128 height=128></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE width="95%" bgColor=#ccff99 align=center>
<P>This addition to Plants&Trees 1.0.4 is made up of 99 new indoor plant images. As with all the Plants&Trees, the indoor plants are alpha-transparent, 2D images that have been converted to face-me components. This allows for easy drag and drop into the SketchUp model and are ready for Podium rendering. The indoor plants will be installed into your existing Plants category of your Plants&Trees 1.0.4 plug-in. You must have already installed Plants&Trees 1.0.4 for the Indoor Plants Addition to install properly.</P></TD></TR>
<TD bgColor=#cccccc width="95%">
<P class=style4 align=center><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold"><A href="http://video.suplugins.com/files/PodiumIndoorPlantsAddition1.0.4Setup.exe"><FONT color=#0066cc>Indoor Plants Addition - Download Windows version here</FONT></A></SPAN></P>
<P align=center>Windows Install - the download file is an executable and is 76 mb. Run the install program and install the Indoor Plants Addition 1.0.4 program into the SketchUp (6 or 7) Plugins\PodiumClipmap folder. <SPAN style="FONT-STYLE: italic; FONT-WEIGHT: bold">You must have Plants&Trees 1.0.4 already installed</SPAN></P></TD></TR>
<TD bgColor=#99ffff width="95%">
<P class=style4 align=center><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold"><A href="http://video.suplugins.com/files/PodiumIndoorPlantsAddition1.0.4SketchUp7.pkg.zip"><FONT color=#0066cc>Indoor Plants Addition - Download Mac version here</FONT></A></SPAN></P>
<P align=center>Mac Install - the download file is a .zip file and is about 75 mb. Mac version will only work with SketchUp 7. Unzip the zip file and run the PKG install program and install the Indoor Plants Addition 1.0.4 program. It will automatically get installed in your existing PodiumClipmap folder. <SPAN style="FONT-STYLE: italic; FONT-WEIGHT: bold">You must have Plants&Trees 1.0.4 already installed</SPAN></P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
<P align=right><A href="#menu"><FONT color=#0066cc>Back to TOC</FONT></A></P>
<TABLE width="95%" align=center>
<TD bgColor=#ff0000 height=10 width="50%">
<DIV align=center><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" class="style3 style1"><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt"><A name=5></A>Light Fixtures Library 1.2.1</SPAN></SPAN><BR></DIV></TD></TR>
<P class="style12 style3">The Light Fixture Library plug-in is a drag and drop library of 227 light fixtures categorized into five libraries: Table, Wall, Floor, Street and Ceiling. Each Light Fixture component has omni light group with a light value assigned to it. You can change the light value after you dropped the light fixture into the SketchUp model. To change the light value, locate the omni group within the specific light fixture component. You can use SketchUp's outliner to do this. Open the Podium user interface. When you have located the light group, change the light value from the Podium user interface.</P>
<P>To download Podium Light Fixture plug-in, click on the appropriate link below. Podium Light Fixture is an installable plug-in for Google SketchUp 6 or 7 (Windows or Mac). It uses a web-dialog browser and will reside on your local computer. Podium Light Fixture plug-in can only be used by Podium users with valid Podium serial numbers. </P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE borderColor=#000000 width="51%" bgColor=#ffff99 align=center>
<TR align=middle>
<TD height=23><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" class=style3>Table</SPAN></TD>
<TD><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" class=style3>Wall</SPAN></TD>
<TD><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" class=style3>Floor</SPAN></TD>
<TD><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" class=style3>Street</SPAN></TD>
<TD><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" class=style3>Ceiling</SPAN></TD></TR>
<TR align=middle>
<TD height=92 width="19%"><IMG src="http://www.suplugins.com/images/custom/Artemide_Tolomeo-Pinza_TB.jpg" width=120 height=90></TD>
<TD width="19%"><IMG src="http://www.suplugins.com/images/custom/Artemide_Orbis_WA.jpg" width=120 height=90></TD>
<TD width="19%"><IMG src="http://www.suplugins.com/images/custom/Foscarini_Totem2_FL.jpg" width=120 height=90></TD>
<TD width="43%"><IMG src="http://www.suplugins.com/images/custom/Poulsen_bollard2_ST.jpg" width=120 height=90></TD>
<TD width="19%"><IMG src="http://www.suplugins.com/images/custom/Foscarini_Ellepi_WA.jpg" width=120 height=90></TD></TR>
<TR align=middle>
<TD><IMG src="http://www.suplugins.com/images/custom/Artemide_Tolomeo-Video_FL.jpg" width=120 height=90></TD>
<TD><IMG src="http://www.suplugins.com/images/custom/Artemide_Tolomeo-Faretto_WA.jpg" width=120 height=90></TD>
<TD><IMG src="http://www.suplugins.com/images/custom/Artemide_Tolomeo_Terra_FL.jpg" width=120 height=90></TD>
<TD><IMG src="http://www.suplugins.com/images/custom/Urbis-Aledo-2-SL.jpg" width=120 height=90></TD>
<TD><IMG src="http://www.suplugins.com/images/custom/Optelma_Uzen_CL.jpg" width=120 height=90></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE width="95%" bgColor=#cccccc align=center>
<TD class=style15>
<P align=center><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold"><A href="http://video.suplugins.com/files/PodiumLightFixtures1.2.1Setup.exe"><FONT color=#0066cc>Windows Version- Download the complete Podium_Light_Fixtures_1.2.1 plug-in </FONT></A></SPAN></P>
<P><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">To install </SPAN></P>
<P>Close SketchUp Windows. Uninstall previous light fixture programs and packs. Download and then run Light Fixture 1.21. Follow install instructions. Make sure you install for either SketchUp 6 or 7. The same install program will work for either SketchUp version. When you open SketchUp Windows and look in the plugins menu to find the Podium Light Fixtures program. </P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE width="95%" bgColor=#99ffff align=center>
<TD class=style15 bgColor=#99ffff>
<P align=center><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Mac Version - Download the SketchUp 6 or 7 versions below</SPAN></P>
<P align=center><A href="http://video.suplugins.com/files/PodiumLightFixtures1.2.1-SketchUp6.zip"><FONT color=#0066cc>Download for SketchUp 6</FONT></A></P>
<P align=center><A href="http://video.suplugins.com/files/PodiumLightFixtures1.2.1SketchUp7.zip"><FONT color=#0066cc>Download for SketchUp 7<BR></FONT></A></P>
<P><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">To install </SPAN></P>
<P>Close SketchUp Mac. <SPAN class=style6>This Light Fixture Library version is the newest (1.2.1)with a total 227 light fixtures. The download file either the SketchUp 6 or 7 version. Unzip it and unpack. The light fixture library will be installed here: MacIntosh HD - /Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp (6 or 7)/SketchUp/plugins/. </SPAN></P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
<P align=right><A href="#menu"><FONT color=#0066cc>Back to TOC</FONT></A></P>
<TABLE width="95%" align=center>
<TD bgColor=#ff0000 height=10 width="50%">
<DIV align=center><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" class="style3 style1"><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt"><A name=15></A>Visa Lighting Addition - to Light Fixture 1.2.1</SPAN></SPAN><BR></DIV></TD></TR>
<TD bgColor=#ffff99>
<P class="style12 style3" align=center>Visa Lighting is a popular manufacturer of light fixtures. We have included create 67 Visa Lighting light fixture components comprised of Ceiling and Wall fixtures.</P>
<P><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">You must have Light Fixture 1.2.1 installed</SPAN> before you can install the Visa Lighting Addition. To download, click on the appropriate link below and install. Podium Light Fixture is an installable plug-in for Google SketchUp 6 or 7 (Windows or Mac). It uses a web-dialog browser and will reside on your local computer. Podium Light Fixture plug-in can only be used by Podium users with valid Podium serial numbers. </P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE borderColor=#000000 bgColor=#ffff99 align=center>
<TR align=middle>
<TD><IMG src="http://video.suplugins.com/images/visa/Adavntus%20OV3110-24_CE.jpg" width=128 height=128></TD>
<TD><IMG src="http://video.suplugins.com/images/visa/Colonnade%20OW1042_WA.jpg" width=128 height=128></TD>
<TD><IMG src="http://video.suplugins.com/images/visa/Cone%20CP4122_CE.jpg" width=128 height=128></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE width="95%" bgColor=#cccccc align=center>
<TD class=style15>
<P align=center><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold"><A href="http://video.suplugins.com/content/download/VisaLightingAddition1.2.1Setup.exe"><FONT color=#800080>Windows Version- Download Visa Lighting Addition for Google SketchUp 6 or 7 </FONT></A></SPAN></P>
<P><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">To install </SPAN></P>
<P>Close SketchUp Windows. Download. Follow install instructions. Make sure you install for either SketchUp 6 or 7. The same install program will work for either SketchUp version. </P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE width="95%" bgColor=#99ffff align=center>
<TD class=style15 bgColor=#99ffff>
<P align=center><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Mac Version - Download Visa Lighting Addition for the Google SketchUp 6 or 7 versions below</SPAN></P>
<P align=center><A href="http://video.suplugins.com/content/download/VisaLighting1.2.1SketchUp6.pkg.zip"><FONT color=#0066cc>Download for SketchUp 6</FONT></A></P>
<P align=center><A href="http://video.suplugins.com/content/download/VisaLighting1.2.1SketchUp7.pkg.zip"><FONT color=#0066cc>Download for SketchUp 7<BR></FONT></A></P>
<P><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">To install </SPAN></P>
<P>Close SketchUp Mac. <SPAN class=style6>The download file either the SketchUp 6 or 7 version. Unzip it and unpack. </SPAN></P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
<P align=right><A href="#menu"><FONT color=#0066cc>Back to TOC</FONT></A></P>
<TABLE width="95%" align=center>
<TD bgColor=#ff0000 height=10>
<DIV align=center><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold" class="style3 style1"><A name=6></A>Light and Plants Sample for Free Podium version </SPAN></DIV></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE width="95%" bgColor=#cccccc align=center>
<P>If you are using the free Podium evaluation version and want to test how the Light Fixture and the Plant and Trees components libraries work, download the Lights and Plants Sample 1.0 plug-in. This provides 9 drag and drop, render ready light fixtures and 9 render ready plants. Click <A href="http://www.su-podium.com/landp.php"><SPAN style="COLOR: rgb(0,0,205); TEXT-DECORATION: underline">here to download</SPAN></A></P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
<P align=right><A href="#menu"><FONT color=#0066cc>Back to TOC</FONT></A></P>
<TABLE width="95%" align=center>
<TD bgColor=#ff0000 height=10>
<DIV align=center><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold" class="style3 style1"><A name=7></A>Texture Library Variety Pack </SPAN></DIV></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE width="95%" align=center>
<TD bgColor=#ffffcc vAlign=top borderColor=#000000 width="50%">
<TABLE borderColor=#000000 width="95%" bgColor=#ffffcc>
<TD vAlign=top width="17%"><IMG align=top src="http://www.suplugins.com/images/custom/Paving-sample.jpg" width=120 height=100><BR><IMG align=top src="http://www.suplugins.com/images/custom/brick-sample.jpg" width=120 height=100><BR></TD>
<TD vAlign=top><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial" class=style11>These free texture files were created to supplement the </SPAN><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial" class=style12>materials that come with SketchUp</SPAN><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial" class=style11>. Please feel free to download these libraries and use them in SketchUp as alternatives to the standard SketchUp materials. </SPAN><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial" class=style12>There are hundreds of JPG files to choose from. You can download the entire variety pack or smaller libraries.</SPAN><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial"></SPAN>
<TABLE border=1 cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width="95%" bgColor=#ccccff>
<TH width="50%" align=left><SPAN class=style7>Entire Variety library- 37 MB </SPAN></TH>
<TH width="50%" align=left><A href="http://video.suplugins.com/files/podium_free_textures_all.zip"><SPAN class=style9><FONT color=#0066cc>Download here</FONT></SPAN></A></TH></TR>
<TD><SPAN class=style9>Library 1 - 11 MB </SPAN></TD>
<TD><A class=style9 href="http://video.suplugins.com/files/podium_free-textures1.zip"><FONT color=#0066cc>Download here</FONT></A></TD></TR>
<TD><SPAN class=style9>Library 2 - 7 MB </SPAN></TD>
<TD><A class=style9 href="http://video.suplugins.com/files/podium_free_textures2.zip"><FONT color=#0066cc>Download here</FONT></A></TD></TR>
<TD><SPAN class=style9>Library 3 - 7 MB </SPAN></TD>
<TD><A class=style9 href="http://video.suplugins.com/files/podium_free_textures3.zip"><FONT color=#0066cc>Download here</FONT></A></TD></TR>
<TD><SPAN class=style9>Library 4 - 11 MB </SPAN></TD>
<TD class=style9><A href="http://video.suplugins.com/files/podium_free_textures4.zip"><FONT color=#0066cc>Download here</FONT></A></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ccff99 height=100 vAlign=top width="50%">
<TABLE width="95%" height="95%">
<TD vAlign=top width="17%"><FONT color=#0066cc><IMG align=top src="http://www.suplugins.com/images/custom/mosaic_5_rocks_small.jpg" width=100 height=100><BR><IMG align=top src="http://www.suplugins.com/images/custom/parquet_12_small.jpg" width=100 height=100><BR></FONT></TD>
<TD vAlign=top><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial" class=style11>Six texture libraries are being offered free of charge to SU Podium customers. These are made by Cadalog, Inc. The texture libraries consist of JPG image files. Download, unzip and </SPAN><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial" class=style12>i</SPAN><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial" class=style11>Import the JPG image files into SketchUp as textures. You can convert JPG files to SketchUp material files so you do not have to constantly i</SPAN><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial" class=style12>mport them. <A class=style16 href="index.php?p=page&page_id=texture-help" target=_blank><FONT color=#0066cc>Click here</FONT></A> for information about how to convert JPG files to .skm files.</SPAN>
<TABLE border=1 cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width="95%" bgColor=#ccccff>
<TH class=style9 width="50%" align=left>Architectural Library</TH>
<TH width="50%" align=left><A href="http://video.suplugins.com/files/architecture.zip"><SPAN class=style9><FONT color=#0066cc>Download here</FONT></SPAN></A></TH></TR>
<TD><SPAN class=style9>Fabric Library </SPAN></TD>
<TD><A class=style9 href="http://video.suplugins.com/files/fabric.zip"><FONT color=#0066cc>Download here</FONT></A></TD></TR>
<TD><SPAN class=style9>Metal Library</SPAN></TD>
<TD><A class=style9 href="http://video.suplugins.com/files/metal.zip"><FONT color=#0066cc>Download here</FONT></A></TD></TR>
<TD><SPAN class=style9>Nature Library</SPAN></TD>
<TD><A class=style9 href="http://video.suplugins.com/files/nature.zip"><FONT color=#0066cc>Download here</FONT></A></TD></TR>
<TD><SPAN class=style9>Stone Library</SPAN></TD>
<TD class=style9><A href="http://video.suplugins.com/files/stone.zip"><FONT color=#0066cc>Download here</FONT></A></TD></TR>
<TD><SPAN class=style9>Wood Library</SPAN></TD>
<TD class=style9><A href="http://video.suplugins.com/files/wood.zip"><FONT color=#0066cc>Download here</FONT></A></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
<P align=right><A href="#menu"><FONT color=#0066cc>Back to TOC</FONT></A></P>
<TABLE width="95%" align=center>
<TD bgColor=#ff0000 height=10>
<DIV align=center><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold" class="style3 style1"><A name=7></A>New Texture - July 2009 </SPAN></DIV></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width="85%" align=center>
<TH scope=row><BR></TH>
<TD><IMG src="http://video.suplugins.com/images/texture2/brick.jpg"></TD>
<TD><IMG src="http://video.suplugins.com/images/texture2/tiles.jpg"></TD>
<TD><IMG src="http://video.suplugins.com/images/texture2/Stonewall.jpg"></TD>
<TD><IMG src="http://video.suplugins.com/images/texture2/paving.jpg"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE width="95%" bgColor=#cccccc align=center>
<DIV align=center>This texture library is named July2009textures.zip and contains a variety of JPG images. Types of textures include brick, mosiac, tiles, concrete, stone, stone wall, and tiber boarding. To use these textures, download the Zipped file below, unzip it to a folder of your choice, then import each JPG image as SketchUp textures using SketchUp's Import command. </DIV>
<P align=center><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold"><A href="http://video.suplugins.com/download/july2009textures.zip"><FONT color=#0066cc>Download Here</FONT></A></SPAN></P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
<P align=right><A href="#menu"><FONT color=#0066cc>Back to TOC</FONT></A></P>
<TABLE width="95%" align=center>
<TD bgColor=#ff0000 height=10>
<DIV align=center><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold" class="style15 style1">Podium Utility programs</SPAN></DIV></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE width="95%" align=center>
<TD bgColor=#cccccc vAlign=top borderColor=#000000 width="50%">
<TABLE borderColor=#000000 width="95%" bgColor=#ffffcc>
<TD class="style3 style4" bgColor=#ffff00><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold"><A name=9></A>Podium_Tools </SPAN></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ffff33>
<DIV align=left><SPAN class=style7>Do you ever find yourself needing to reset the SketchUp model so that no Podium reflections and lighting settings are present? Use Podium_Tools.rbs to reset the SketchUp model and start all over again. Podium_Tools.rbs will run in SketchUp Pro and free version. Copy this file into your SketchUp Plugins folder. When you start up SketchUp, you can access it from the Plugins pull down menu. Podium Tools is automatically installed with Podium 1.7<BR><A class=style4 href="http://video.suplugins.com/files/podium_tools.rbs"><FONT color=#0066cc>Download the Podium_Tools.rbs file.</FONT></A></SPAN></DIV></TD></TR>
<TD bgColor=#ccffff><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold"><A name=10></A>Podium Wizard </SPAN></TD>
<TD>is a ruby script file that will display the number of reflective faces, lights and omnis being used in the model. Download this also to your SketchUp Plugins folder. It is a crtical tool to analyze your rendering problems. Podium Wizard will also rename all omni groups to omni_XX so that omni lights are easy to find with SketchUp's outliner. Podium Wizard will also create PDM_omni and PDM_lem layers. The LEM and omni lights that have not be assigned to other layers will be copied to these layers. Podium Wizard is automatically installed with Podium 1.7<BR>A newer version of Podium Wizard for Podium 1.7 Beta can also be downloaded.
<P><A class=style4 href="http://video.suplugins.com/files/oldwizard/podium_wizard.rbs"><FONT color=#0066cc>Download the older podium_wizard.rbs file for version previous to Podium 1.7.</FONT></A></P>
<P><FONT color=#0066cc></FONT> </P>
<P><A class=style4 href="http://video.suplugins.com/files/podium_wizard.rbs"><FONT color=#0066cc>Download the Podium 1.7 version of podium_wizard.rbs. This updates your current Podium 1.7 Beta wizard.</FONT></A></P>
<P><FONT color=#0066cc></FONT> </P></TD></TR>
<TD bgColor=#ffcc33><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold"><A name=11></A>OmniGrid </SPAN></TD>
<TD>is a ruby based program that will create a grid pattern of omni lights in your model. The goal is to create a uniform source of lights without using LEMs or without over-populating your model with omni lights. Select a face or several co-planar faces (such as a ceiling, wall or floor), select the grid distance and click OK. You can also Flip the Omni Grid is it does not display where you expect it. An Omni Grid group will be created. The group will be populated with the same componet which contains a single omni group. The default light value of the omni group is 4 and color grey with opacity set at zero. You can change the light value and other properties of the entire grid, simply by changing the properties of one omni light in the grid. You can also move the omni grid position.<BR><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Windows users </SPAN>- download OmniGrid.zip and extract it's contents to your \google sketchp (6 or 7)\plugins folder. An omnigrid.rb file and an OmniGrid sub-folder will be extracted to your \google sketchup (6 or 7)\ plugins folder.<BR><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Mac users </SPAN>- download the OmniGrid.zip file to your Desktop and Unzip it's contents. Then copy the omnigrid.rb file and the OmniGrid folder to your \Mac HD\library\application support\Google SketchUp (6 or 7)\SketchUp\plugins\ folder.<BR><A class=style4 href="http://video.suplugins.com/files/OmniGrid.zip"><FONT color=#0066cc>Download the OmniGrid.zip file.</FONT></A></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
<P align=right><A href="#menu"><FONT color=#0066cc>Back to TOC</FONT></A></P>
<TABLE width="95%" align=center>
<TD bgColor=#ff0000 height=10>
<DIV align=center><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold" class="style15 style1">General SketchUp Utility programs</SPAN></DIV></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE width="95%" align=center>
<TD bgColor=#cccccc vAlign=top borderColor=#000000 width="50%">
<TABLE borderColor=#000000 width="95%" bgColor=#ffffcc>
<TD><IMG align=top src="http://video.suplugins.com/images/grid2.jpg" width=125 height=125></TD>
<TD><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold"><A name=14></A>SU Grid </SPAN>is a ruby based program that will create construction grids in your SketchUp model. You can create construction grids on a selected planar surface (flat planes) or in an XY, YZ, ZX plane. This an excellent tool to create profiles or paths. Does NOT require Podium or SU Animate to run.<BR><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold"></SPAN>Download either the Windows or Mac version of OmniGrid.zip and unzip it's content. Then double click on the .exe file (Windows) or the .pkg file (Mac). The program will be installed in your \google sketchup\plugins\ folder. When you open SketchUp the SU Grid program can be access by selecting a face and right clicking for the context menu. It also can be accessed from the SketchUp-->Draw menu. The menu name is Construction Grid. <BR>
<P><A class=style4 href="http://video.suplugins.com/content/download/SU_Grid2.0Setup.zip"><FONT color=#0066cc>Download the Windows SU Grid 2.0.zip file.</FONT></A></P>
<P><A class=style4 href="http://video.suplugins.com/content/download/SU_Grid2.0SketchUp7.pkg.zip"><FONT color=#0066cc>Download the Mac SU Grid 2.0.zip file for SketchUp 7 Mac.</FONT></A></P>
<P><A class=style4 href="http://video.suplugins.com/content/download/SU_Grid2.0SketchUp6.pkg.zip"><FONT color=#0066cc>Download the Mac SU Grid 2.0.zip file for SketchUp 6 Mac.</FONT></A></P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
<P align=right><A href="#menu"><FONT color=#0066cc>Back to TOC</FONT></A></P>
<TABLE width="95%" align=center>
<TD bgColor=#ff0000>
<P class=style1 align=center><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold"><A name=12></A>SU Podium Previous Versions</SPAN></P></TD></TR>
<TD bgColor=#ffff99 vAlign=top width="100%">
<P>In some cases, you may prefer previous versions of SU Podium. Here are the downloads for each. Use the same serial number that you own.</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE border=1 cellPadding=1 width="95%" bgColor=#ffdfff align=center>
<TD width=648><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">SU Podium Windows 1.6.1 (January 2009). You must have a valid Podium serial number for SU Podium 1.6.1 to run. If you do not, please purchase the program.</SPAN></TD>
<TD width=178><A class=style4 href="http://video.suplugins.com/content/download/SU_podium161_full_setup.zip"><SPAN style="TEXT-DECORATION: underline"><FONT color=#0066cc>Click Here to download the Podium 1.6.1 For Windows</FONT></SPAN></A></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR>
<TABLE border=1 cellPadding=1 width="95%" bgColor=#ffdfff align=center>
<TD width=648><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">SU Podium Windows 1.5 Windows (October 31, 2007). You must have a valid Podium serial number for SU Podium 1.5 to run. If you do not, please purchase the program. Podium 1.5 does not support multi-threading raytracing so will be slower than 1.6, 1.6.1, 1.6.2 or 1.7.</SPAN></TD>
<TD width=178><A class=style4 href="http://video.suplugins.com/files/SU_podium_v15_full_eng_setup.exe"><SPAN style="TEXT-DECORATION: underline"><FONT color=#0066cc>Click Here to download the Podium 1.5.</FONT></SPAN></A></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR>
<TABLE width="95%" align=center>
<TD bgColor=#ff0000>
<P align=center><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold" class=style1>SU Podium 1.5 Mac for existing Podium users </SPAN></P></TD></TR>
<TD bgColor=#ffff99 vAlign=top width="100%">
<P><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Podium 1.5 Mac is a switch if you are already using the Windows version and have a valid serial number </SPAN></P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE border=1 cellPadding=1 width="95%" bgColor=#ffdfff align=center>
<TD width=648><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">SU Podium 1.5 Mac for both SketchUp 6 and 7. You must have a valid serial number for SU Podium 1.5 Mac to run. If you do not, please purchase the program. </SPAN></TD>
<TD width=178><A class=style4 href="http://video.suplugins.com/files/SU_Podium_1.5_Mac_Full.zip"><SPAN style="TEXT-DECORATION: underline"><FONT color=#0066cc>Click Here to download the Podium 1.5 Mac.</FONT></SPAN></A></TD></TR>
<TD width=648><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Read important detail about Podium 1.5 </SPAN></TD>
<TD width=178><A href="http://www.suplugins.com/index.php?p=page&page_id=mac" target=_blank><SPAN style="TEXT-DECORATION: underline"><FONT color=#0066cc>Click Here to read about it.</FONT></SPAN></A></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>


21 回复

BIM DigitalDawn
2009-7-13 12:09:09
2009-7-13 13:07:46
2009-7-13 13:44:40
不明白啊 不过还是顶室内大哥
2009-7-14 19:32:43
2009-8-13 22:12:06
2009-8-14 17:54:15
2009-8-31 00:23:29
i thinkit is great to sahare, thz
2009-9-17 16:00:29
2009-9-22 13:27:25
2014-2-18 00:53:13
谢谢楼主  下载下来看看
2014-3-21 12:15:02