
发布一个新插件 Specificad (提供本地下载)

司空翟星月 2018-11-27 11:33:05 88619
specificad ™是一个计算机辅助设计/ bim外挂程式。 Built using CADalytic Media's patent-pending technology, the SpecifiCAD™ plug-in dynamically matches user-defined building product content with building product manufacturer (BPM) content directly within the CAD/BIM environment.建成使用cadalytic媒体公司正在申请专利技术, specificad ™插件在动态匹配用户定义的建筑产品的内容与建筑产品制造商(的BPM )的内容直接的CAD / bim环境。

When the CAD/BIM designer selects a building component, SpecifiCAD™ delivers relevant building product data from pArtlantislantislantisicipating content providers.当的CAD / bim设计师选择一个建设的组成部分, specificad ™提供有关建设的产品数据,从参与内容提供商。 Currently, SpecifiCAD™ showcases product data from the McGraw-Hill Construction Sweets Network® and the Google™ 3D Warehouse.目前, specificad ™展示产品数据从麦格劳-希尔建筑甜食网络®和Google ™ 3D仓库。 From the Sweets Network®, the designer can click on the hyperlinks and icons to bring up a full web page of content (the product page, details, 3D models, catalogs, galleries, specifications, or Green data) and this content can be incorporated into the CAD/BIM document.从糖果网络® ,设计者可以按一下该超文本链接和图标带来了一个全面的网页内容(产品页,详细资料,三维模型,目录,画廊,规格,或绿色的数据)和本内容可以被纳入进入的CAD / bim文件。 The product page can be linked to the selected building component.该产品网页可以链接到选定的建设的组成部分。 Presently, this feature acts as a placeholder for relevant content; in the future, web services will leverage this link to provide lifecycle-related services.目前,此功能作为一个占位符有关内容;在未来的日子, Web服务将利用此连结,以提供生命周期相关的服务。 From the Google™ 3D Warehouse, the designer can either download a SketchUp™ model directly into the CAD/BIM session or download the model to the Desktop.从Google ™ 3D模型库,设计者可以下载sketchup ™模型直接转入的CAD / bim会议或下载该模型到桌面上。

SpecifiCAD™ is available on the Google™ SketchUp™, Autodesk® AutoCAD®/ADT/AutoCAD® Architecture, Autodesk® Revit® Building/Architecture, Graphisoft® ArchiCAD®, and Bentley® Architecture platforms. specificad ™是可以在Google ™ sketchup ™和Autodesk的AutoCAD ® ® /电讯管理局助理总监/在AutoCAD ®体系结构和Autodesk ® revit ®建筑/建筑, graphisoft ®的Archicad ® ,和Bentley ®架构平台。

  • In Google™ SketchUp™, clicking on a building component automatically serves up relevant building components in the SpecifiCAD™ window.在Google ™ sketchup ™ ,点击一个建设的组成部分自动服务有关的建筑构件,在specificad ™窗口。 The designer is able to browse Sweets Network® BPM product pages and download content relevant to the selected building component.设计师是能够浏览甜食网络®的BPM产品的页面和下载相关的内容选定的建设的组成部分。 The designer can link a product page to the selected building component--to follow/edit the hyperlinks, simply right-click on the selected component and pick the appropriate menu item.设计者可以连结产品网页到选定的建设的组成部分-跟随/编辑超链接,只需按一下滑鼠右键,选定的组件,并挑选适当的菜单项。 From the Google™ 3D Warehouse, the designer can replace a selected building component or all components similar to the selected component with a relevant SketchUp™ model or simply insert the model.从Google ™ 3D模型库,设计者可以取代选定的建设部分或全部组件类似选定的组件与相关sketchup ™模式或干脆插入模型。 Designers can also use the replace functionality with SKP content already stored on disk--simply right-click on the object to be replaced and select the appropriate action.设计师也可以使用,取代的功能与skp内容已经存储在磁盘上-简单地按一下滑鼠右键,对象予以更换,并选择适当的行动。

  • 在AutoCAD中的Autodesk ® ® /电讯管理局助理总监/在AutoCAD ®体系结构和graphisoft ®的Archicad ® ,点击一个建设的组成部分自动服务有关的建筑构件,在specificad ™窗口。 The designer is able to browse Sweets Network® BPM product web pages relevant to the selected building component and download details, 3D models, catalogs, galleries, and specfications.设计师是能够浏览甜食网络®的BPM产品网页有关选定的建设的组成部分和下载详细信息,三维模型,目录,画廊, specfications 。 The designer can also link a product web page to the selected building component.设计师也可以连结产品网页,选定建设的组成部分。 From the Google™ 3D Warehouse, the designer can directly download relevant building components into the AutoCAD® session.从Google ™ 3D模型库,设计者可以直接下载相关的建筑构件,到AutoCAD中®会议。 SpecifiCAD™ also enables AutoCAD® SKP file drag-and-drop functionality. specificad ™还可以在AutoCAD ® skp文件拖放功能。
  • 在revit的Autodesk ® ®建筑/结构和Bentley ®体系结构,设计师的点击'指定... ' button in the SpecifiCAD™ window to retrieve relevant product data to the selected building component from the Sweets Network® or the Google™ 3D Warehouse.按钮,在specificad ™窗口撷取相关的产品数据到选定的建设的组成部分,从糖果®或网络的Google ™ 3D仓库。 The designer can browse, download details, 3D models, catalogs, galleries, and specifications, and link relevant BPM product data from the Sweets Network® and download Google™ 3D Warehouse SketchUp™ models to the Desktop:设计者可以浏览,下载详细资料,三维模型,目录,画廊,规格,并链接相关的BPM产品数据从甜食网络®和下载Google ™ 3D仓库sketchup ™模型到桌面上:

  • 与specificad ™提供相关的建筑产品的内容直接向的CAD / bim桌面上,设计者将花费更少的时间寻找产品,让他们有更多时间探索的设计情况。 SpecifiCAD™ can be used in all design phases, from conceptual design (to give designers ideas of existing products) to the construction document phase (when actual building products or their equivalents must be called out) and even the facility management phase (where building components must be maintained or replaced). specificad ™可以用在所有设计阶段,从概念设计(给设计师的想法现有产品) ,以建造文件阶段(当实际建筑产品或其等值,必须出动) ,甚至设施管理阶段(如建筑构件必须保持或更换) 。

    A free beta release of SpecifiCAD™ is available immediately here .一项免费的试用释放specificad ™是可立即在这里 Currently, only the Microsoft Windows platforms are supported.目前,只有Microsoft Windows平台的支持。

[ 本帖最后由 司空翟星月 于 2008-9-5 02:14 编辑 ]




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21 回复

2008-9-5 02:17:55
2008-9-5 09:10:21


好一个中英文对照, 版主看的懂中文吗?
2008-9-5 10:26:33
顶一下 不知何时有汉化啊...
2008-9-12 20:50:38
当真不错的 东西。。找机会试试。
2008-9-13 09:53:00
2008-9-13 17:01:55
好乱 消化一下 。。。。。。。。。。。。。
这个插件很不错,把SU里的模型背后的相关信息通过网页动态的联结起来了,可是....在一个项目里如何将每一个模型相关网页里的有用信息归类集中提供给项目决策人呢? 这个有待深化! [ 本帖最后由 zfsketchup 于 2008-9-13 22:43 编辑 ]
2008-12-13 12:53:41
2009-2-18 11:58:22
2009-3-12 13:39:09
没看明白是什么 不过谢谢分享
2018-11-27 11:33:05
Cadalytic Media releases SpecifiCAD™ Beta for Graphisoft® ARCHICAD® delivering product content from the Sweets Network®SpecifiCAD™ Delivers Relevant McGraw-Hill Sweets Network® Content on the BIM Desktop.
"SpecifiCAD is a great productivity booster for ARCHICAD users because it delivers relevant building product content directly to the ARCHICAD desktop. Architects can spend less time searching for products and more time focusing on their designs," said Patrick Mays, Vice President and General Manager of Graphisoft North America.
2. Designers can link the desired Sweets Network® manufacturer's product web page to the selected objects by clicking the "Link" button in the SpecifiCAD™ Sweets Network® window. The "Edit/Follow Hyperlink" window allows the designer to manage and follow multiple links for a given component.
SpecifiCAD™ for other Platforms
The free beta release of SpecifiCAD™ is available immediately on the CADalytic Media website: http://www.cadalytic.com/index.php?dir=downloads&subdir=SpecifiCAD
CADalytic Media is headquartered in San Francisco, California. For additional information about CADalytic Media, please visit www.cadalytic.com. If you would like more information on this topic, please contact us at pr@cadalytic.com.