
藤本壮介事务所、Manal Rachdi OXO、icolas Laisné Associés赢得巴黎综合理工学习中心竞赛一等奖

admin 2018-3-21 22:03:27 75792

藤本壮介建筑设计事务所、Manal Rachdi OXO Architectes和Nicolas Laisné Associés公司赢得了巴黎-萨克雷大学内巴黎综合理工学校新学习中心设计竞赛一等奖

藤本壮介建筑设计事务所、Manal Rachdi OXO Architectes和Nicolas Laisné Associés公司赢得了巴黎-萨克雷大学内巴黎综合理工学校新学习中心设计竞赛一等奖。

来自Manal Rachdi OXO Architectes对gooood的分享。

藤本壮介建筑设计事务所、Manal Rachdi OXO Architectes和Nicolas Laisné Associés公司赢得了巴黎-萨克雷大学内巴黎综合理工学校新学习中心设计竞赛一等奖。

2015年3月16日,巴黎综合理工学校指定藤本壮介建筑设计事务所、Manal Rachdi OXO Architectes和Nicolas Laisné Associés公司为设计竞赛的获胜者,组织这次竞赛是为了在巴黎-萨克雷大学内建造巴黎综合理工学校新的学习中心。


Sou Fujimoto Architects, Manal Rachdi OXO Architectes and Nicolas Laisné Associés, Won the first Prize for the new Learning Centre of the Ecole Polytechnique, in Paris-Saclay.

On March 16th, 2015, the Ecole Polytechnique designated Sou Fujimoto Architects, Manal Rachdi Oxo architects and Nicolas Laisné as winners of the design competition organized for the construction of the new Learning Centre of the Ecole Polytechnique, in Paris-Saclay.

The operation aims to design a single building where study programs will be shared between sixeducation and research institutions as the Ecole Polytechnique, Institut Mines-Telecom, AgroParisTech, ENSTA ParisTech, ENSAE ParisTech and Institut d'Optique (IOGS).


A building promoting interactivity and innovative pedagogies

一轮评审之后,四个候选设计团队进入决赛:藤本壮介建筑设计事务所、Manal Rachdi Oxo architects和Nicolas Laisné Associates设计团队,Atelier 2/3/4公司,Babin+Renaud和Chartier Dalix Architectes设计团队。藤本壮介建筑设计事务所,Manal Rachdi Oxo architects和 Nicolas Laisné Associates 设计团队领导的项目因其对周围环境开放度、透明和多孔通透而具吸引力。建筑物的玻璃正面覆盖有一张宽敞的顶篷,植被涌入内部空间,因而模糊了内外部界限。


After the first jury, four candidates were finalists: Sou Fujimoto Architects + Manal Rachdi Oxo architects + Nicolas Laisné Associates, Atelier 2/3/4, Babin + Renaud and Chartier Dalix Architectes. The project led by the group Sou Fujimoto, Manal Rachdi Oxo architects and Nicolas Laisné Associates seduced by its openness to the surroundings, its transparency and its porosity. The front glazed fa?ade is covered with a generous canopy while the vegetation is invading the interior space, thus blurring the limits between inside and outside.

As a symbol of the union of the six schools, all of them belonging to the Paris-Saclay University, the learning center becomes a point of convergence, thought of as an extension of the qualities of the adjacent landscaping project.


The building, with an area of approximately 10 000 m2 and a budget of 32.5M, will host 150 staff and welcome 2,000 students within its premises of various typologies. In addition to several lecture halls and numerous classrooms; spaces dedicated to innovative pedagogy will be created. “Distance-learning rooms”, videoconferencing and collaborative working spaces such as “boxes-work” or “project rooms” will optimize the environment for an educational system focused on interactivity and digital tools. The building will also provide a cafeteria and relaxation areas favoring serendipity, itself encouraged by the close proximity of the research laboratories of the Ecole Polytechnique.



The architectural concept: flexibility, mingling and openness

Opening up to the linear park in front, the Learning Center is invaded by nature. Inside, a wide atrium is inhabited by the light vegetation and a series of walkways and staircases creating numerous informal spaces for teachers, students and visitors allowing new places to meet or work. These platforms, the "spontaneous amphitheaters" and the classrooms are united under one roof providing promiscuity and privacy in an intimate relationship with nature. People won’t pass each other in corridors anymore, but meet in vivid places, in a unique space bathed in soft light, with surprising and changing views. The large transparent facade of the Learning Center opens to the West on the "Green", a vast public space covered by lawns and partly wooded. The building is thus seen as an open space revealing the activities taking place in its heart and stands as an architectural and academic emblem of the future neighborhood.


The Learning Center, soon to be erected in the heart of the current development area of the école Polytechnique, is representative of the evolution of the urban campus of Paris-Saclay which just entered the operational phase. The campus served by the future train line 18 of the Grand Paris Express will reach a program of a total of 1.740 million square meters.







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