
BIM+ESE | 聚焦古代工程师的智慧06--雨水收集系统,是现代发明?还是古人智慧?

admin 2024-2-1 16:50:02 107349






With the recent trends to be more environmentally conscious, you might think that rainwater harvesting is reaching its peak in popularity. In reality, it’s a method that’s been in practice for thousands of years. Centuries-old cisterns and catchments can still be found around the world and are evident that this practice was thriving for centuries. In fact, modern harvesting is not even as commonplace as it was just a few hundred years ago.


The history of rainwater harvesting goes back much father though and across many cultures who developed rainwater collection infrastructure independent of each other. Here we explore the full history of rainwater harvesting.


Who was the first to collect rainwater?


It’s impossible to say who started collecting rainwater first. As it can be as simple as setting out a barrel, it’s possible individuals had been collecting rainwater for centuries before it was adopted culturally. The oldest known infrastructure though dates as far back as 5,000 BC in the Indus Valley near modern-day India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. The civilization there boasted one of the most advanced sewage and water supply systems for that era with the technology ingrained into their culture and built into their cities.


It’s clear that the practice of collecting rainwater began well before that. A sophisticated system like that is not developed without precedence and in this case, there is plenty of evidence in the area that the urban installations were the most advanced versions of collection that had already begun. Not far away, a number of tanks were cut from rock to quench the thirst of tradesmen along a busy road.


Water collecting through the ages


Many cultures embraced water harvesting over the next few centuries with many ancient cisterns found in Greece and Israel. It was the Roman Empire that embraced rainwater collecting and advanced the practice significantly. With an evolving culture and a growing urban population, the demand for water was insatiable. Romans developed a bath culture and implemented advanced sewage systems that kept their cities amazingly clean. This increasing demand for water led to many inventive solutions, including the famous aqueducts but also advancements in rainwater harvesting.


As with many cultures before the Romans, rooftop rainwater collection was commonplace and clear evidence of this was found in Pompei where Terra Cotta pipes funneled the water into cisterns to be stored for domestic use. The cisterns are the real star of the show for the Roman empire. They built many over the course of their empire, some of which are large, impressive, and both. They even built the largest cistern ever*, the Basilica Cistern which was 105,000 square feet large and could hold over 21 million gallons of water. While this was the largest, they had many such cisterns to serve the public’s demand for water.


The decline of rainwater harvesting


Over the following centuries, the use of rainwater collection for domestic use fell. WIth new technologies for supplying and storing water were invented, the use of traditional rainwater catchments fell out of practice.


One additional reason rainwater harvesting fell out of practice is that cisterns lacked the technology to properly filter the water to prevent disease. As urban areas grew, and travel became more commonplace, traditional cisterns provided an increased risk of spreading disease. After a while, it was largely only practiced in areas where the location and the climate provided no other choice. A lot of rural homes in Australia rely solely on rainwater collecting to provide water for their daily needs.


Modern Rainwater Harvesting


With the acknowledgment of global warming, the rising prices of local water supply companies, and the increasing scarcity of fresh water, collecting rainwater for domestic uses is beginning to see a resurgence in popularity. In places where water is in short supply, governments are even beginning to subsidize the installation of water conservation systems.


Whatever the cause for the resurgence, there’s no doubt that rainwater harvesting is a simple technology with powerful benefits for both the environment or your wallet. Or your garden of course!


Origin of Rainwater Harvesting


Obviously, it is nearly impossible to trace back to which civilization used the method of rainwater harvesting first, but evidence shows that different types of rainwater collection systems were used in 2000 BC in India, Mesopotamia, China, and modern day Israel.


The basic design of these systems often involved a large rock formed into a basin using clay and other rocks to seal it from leaking. And then, using different diversion tactics, water would be stored and used for drinking, washing, agriculture and more.


Middle East


The middle east has a rich history in the rainwater harvesting timeline. Dating back to 2000 B.C., people in the Negev Desert, which is modern-day Israel, survived by capturing water from the hillside and storing it in Cisterns.


Back then, water availability was truly a life or death situation. According to Heather Kinkade-Levario in Design for Water Rainwater Harvesting, Stormwater Catchment, and Alternate Water Reuse, in tales of a war for the land east of Jordan, King Mesha of Moab used reservoirs to capture rain and gave his warriors the ability to survive in the dry heat.

那时候,水的供应真的是一个生死攸关的问题。根据Heather kinkde - levario在《雨水收集、雨水集水区和交替水再利用设计》一书中所述,在约旦东部争夺土地的战争故事中,摩押国王米沙利用水库收集雨水,使他的战士能够在干热中生存。

In the civilizations, rainwater harvesting cisterns were common on a home by home basis, based on a historical document of that time in the Middle East. These cisterns would range from 10,000 gallons to 50,000 gallons, and would often be stored underground. Community cisterns were also common. They used technologies such as sediment traps prior to entering the large cistern, which could hold as much as 1,000,000 gallons of water. And even larger reservoirs would hold 11,000,000 gallons of water such as one in Madaba, Jordan.




Many rainwater harvesting roots can be traced back to India. Including systems that are built on top of homes which are still used to this day. In fact, when I visited India in 2017, I saw many homes with aspects of these systems used. Ancient India also developed technology such as large reservoirs to hold rainwater and dams to divert and capture rainwater.


Ancient Rome


The Romans excelled in many technological advancements, including rainwater harvesting and aqueducts. They would build entire cities with the infrastructure to divert rainwater into large cisterns. The Romans would use this collected water for drinking, bathing, washing, irrigation, and for livestock.


They were master engineers. In fact, there is a rainwater collection cistern built to capture rainwater from the streets above in the Sunken Palace, Istanbul that remains to this day, and it is so large that you can sail in it.


North America


Ancient Native Americans used the natural flow of mountain rainwater runoff to collect and use throughout villages. In central Mexico, underground cisterns have been found that were used for collecting rainwater.


In the 16th-17th century, early settlers began to use rainwater for laundry due to it being naturally soft. They were the ones who actually started using the term “hard water” and “soft water” because of the trouble that would occur from trying to use mineral-rich water for washing laundry. Soap would react with the hard water, causing a build-up to occur, unlike when they used soft rainwater, which allowed the soap and dirt to wash off easily.

在16 -17世纪,早期的定居者开始使用雨水来洗衣服,因为雨水是天然柔软的。他们是真正开始使用“硬水”和“软水”这个词的人,因为用富含矿物质的水洗衣服会带来麻烦。肥皂会与硬水发生反应,导致污垢积聚,而不像他们使用软雨水时,肥皂和污垢很容易被洗掉。

Settlers and Natives would not have been able to survive in certain areas without the collection of rainwater.


Rainwater Harvesting Settles Down


There began to be issues with the historic way of collecting rain. As civilizations grew, the cisterns would become more and more contaminated. This lead to the spreading of diseases since the modern technology was not available to remove bacteria. As countries became more developed, centralized water utilities began to sprout and became the primary source for all water needs.


Rainwater Harvesting in the Modern Age and Why It’s Coming Back


The age of rainwater harvesting has not reached its peak. Many farms continued to use rainwater cisterns for feeding livestock. And as technology developed in water treatment abilities, people started to use rainwater in their homes as the primary source of water yet again.


But why is rainwater harvesting starting to come back?


For the most part, development brings advantages, but there has been a side effect of increasing development that is depleting our natural underground water supply. In the water cycle, there is a critical step that must occur for the process to be effective – groundwater recharge.


Through the construction of roadways, cities, and increasing population in metro areas, water is being used, but no water is being replenished. Stormwater is collected and sent into rivers and out to the ocean. Large amounts of water needs to reach the earth and be absorbed in the ground to replenish the natural underground aqueducts. And because this is not happening, water sources are drying up.


According to the USGS, groundwater depletion in the Chicago metro area has lowered the water level 900 feet.


Countries like Austrailia are taking steps to combat this by installing rainwater harvesting systems in homes. These systems use the rainwater captured from the roof, and overflow can be sent to groundwater recharge.


Modern Rainwater Harvesting in the United States


Throughout the United States, rainwater harvesting is growing rapidly. States like Texas and Arizona are implementing the same tactics, offering rebates for homes using rainwater harvesting as a water source. The American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association (ARCSA) was founded just recently and is growing with impact on many states.


Tennessee is becoming a leader in the race, with many homes in the state using rainwater as the primary source of water. The University of Tennessee has also implemented rainwater harvesting for its dormitories and is currently working on more projects that will include rainwater harvesting.


Modern-day rainwater harvesting systems provide high-quality water, high pressure, and ample water storage so that quality of life is only raised, never lowered.


Rainwater harvesting isn’t going away, it’s coming back with technology and sustainability guiding its path.





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