
BIM+文物修复 | 巴黎圣母院修复工作中,木工匠们应用了上百年的古老技术

admin 2024-2-1 16:50:02 59826

To rebuild Notre Dame's fire-ravaged roof, carpenters use centuries-old techniques


Carpenters at the Ateliers Perrault finalize the practice assembly of the charpente, or roof framework of the choir — the part of the cathedral that provides seating for the clergy and choir — on May 25. It extends nearly 50 feet long by 33 feet high.

5月25日,Ateliers Perrault工作室的木匠们完成了唱诗班屋顶框架(教堂的一部分,为神职人员和唱诗班提供座位)的实践组装。它长近50英尺,高33英尺。

Cristina Baussan for NPRSAINT-LAURENT-DE-LA-PLAINE, France — The wooden structure supporting the roof of Notre Dame Cathedral was so vast, it was known as "the forest." It burned like a forest too. After the April 2019 fire that badly damaged the Paris landmark, nothing was left of the intricate maze of medieval beams but charred black timbers that pierced the nave and transept as they fell to the cathedral floor, leaving a gaping, smoking hole. Now that charpente, as the framework supporting the roof is called, is being rebuilt as part of the effort to restore and reopen one of the world's most famous churches by the end of 2024.

法国NPRSAINT-LAURENT-DE-LA-PLAINE的Cristina Baussan报道——支撑巴黎圣母院屋顶的木结构非常巨大,被称为“森林”。它也像森林一样燃烧着。2019年4月的大火严重破坏了巴黎的地标性建筑,中世纪复杂的横梁迷宫什么都没有留下,只有烧焦的黑色木材,这些木材穿过中殿和耳堂,落在大教堂的地板上,留下一个大洞,冒着烟。现在,作为世界上最著名的教堂之一的修复和重新开放工作的一部分,支撑屋顶的框架正在重建中。

Carpenters work on Notre Dame's trusses, the triangular structures that make up the framework of the cathedral's choir, at the Ateliers Perrault on May 25.


The cathedral's facade is engraved on the axes used by carpenters at the Ateliers Perrault in Saint-Laurent-de-la-Plaine, France. Sixty axes were hand-forged for the reconstruction of the cathedral.


At Ateliers Perrault, a 250-year-old carpentry company in France's Loire Valley — one of the two chosen to restore the roof — you don't hear the whirring of electric saws. It's the chopping of axes that resounds as craftsmen transform oak trees into long, rectangular beams by hand.

在法国卢瓦尔河谷一家有着250年历史的木工公司Ateliers Perrault——被选中修复屋顶的两家公司之一——你听不到电锯的嗡嗡声。当工匠们用手把橡树变成长方形的长梁时,斧头的砍砍声回荡在耳边。

"We made cathedral roofs well before saws and sawmills existed, and this is how it worked," he says. "You got the wood in the nearby forest like we're doing. And sure, we could easily cut these logs into two boards, but keeping the wood fibers the whole length of the beam gives it more resistance."


This company devotes itself to France's historical buildings — some 48,000 of them — so its carpenters are used to working with traditional methods.


Carpenters work on trusses for the Notre Dame Cathedral.


Still, Notre Dame is special, says CEO Jean-Baptiste Bonhoure.

尽管如此,巴黎圣母院还是很特别,首席执行官让-巴蒂斯特·邦胡尔(Jean-Baptiste Bonhoure)说。

"We've never done something like this before," he says. "The roof frame is dating from medieval times — the 12th century — and there's just such a huge volume of wood."


Bonhoure says some 1,400 oak trees are needed for the charpente of the nave, the aisle that leads to the altar, and choir, the part of the cathedral that provides seating for the clergy and choir.


Peter Henrikson is a carpenter from Minnesota who heard about an opportunity to work on Notre Dame through the organization Charpentiers sans Frontières (Carpenters without Borders), a group for those who share a love of traditional methods. He says these hand-hewn trusses are special.

彼得·亨里克森(Peter Henrikson)是明尼苏达州的一名木匠,他通过无国界木匠组织(Charpentiers sans fronti<e:1>)听说有机会在巴黎圣母院工作,这是一个为那些热爱传统方法的人设立的组织。他说这些手工雕刻的桁架很特别。

Oak logs lie outside Ateliers Perrault's workshop in Saint-Laurent-de-la-Plaine, France. For the reconstruction of Notre Dame Cathedral, thousands of oak trees were cut down from forests across the country.

橡树原木躺在法国圣洛朗德拉普兰的Ateliers Perrault工作室外。为了重建巴黎圣母院,数千棵橡树从全国各地的森林中被砍伐。

"Taken from the round tree to a square timber all by hand, all with axes," he says, describing what's known as boxed heart timber, where logs aren't split down the middle but the edges are cut, leaving the center.


Once it's installed to hold up the roof, Notre Dame's charpente won't be seen by anyone, says Henrikson.


They could have used faster, modern techniques relying on electric saws, drills, clamps, screws and nails. But he says there is a love of the traditional way of doing things in France, and Notre Dame's 21st century rebuilders wanted to preserve that.


"Redoing the roof as it was also keeps these skills alive," he says.


Rémi Fromont is the head architect in charge of rebuilding the cathedral's charpente. In 2012, he was an architectural student and spent a year on a project to survey the charpente. He and a classmate were the first to take precise measurements and make a detailed plan of "the forest."

rsami Fromont是负责重建大教堂教堂的首席建筑师。2012年,他还是一名建筑专业的学生,花了一年的时间在一个调查夏蓬的项目上。他和一个同学是第一个对“森林”进行精确测量和详细规划的人。

"Working inside the massive wooden structure was extremely impressive," he says. "You're in the sky but completely in the dark, so you discovered 'the forest' with flashlight and headlamps, never entirely seeing the whole thing. But you could hear and feel everything going on in the cathedral below — the priests celebrating Mass, the smell of incense. And we were near the belfry, so all of a sudden the bells would ring and resound very strongly. It was as if the cathedral was alive under your feet."


It is thanks to those plans that today's builders know exactly how to reconstruct the charpente, says Fromont. And there are several reasons to rebuild the Gothic masterpiece exactly as it was.


"A cathedral is a structural ensemble that's very complex, and as soon as you change one little thing, one parameter, it impacts everywhere else in the cathedral," he says. "So reconstructing it exactly the same way is also a precaution. It worked very well for 800 years. So we know if we build it back the same way we won't risk damaging the cathedral by trying something new."


Edouard Cortes, another carpenter, removes parchment-thin layers of wood with his ax, which he says was hand-forged out of iron and steel in the traditional way to resemble what Notre Dame's original carpenters would have used nine centuries ago.

另一位木匠爱德华·科尔特斯(Edouard Cortes)用斧头削去羊皮纸般薄的木头层。他说,这些木头是用传统的方式用钢铁手工锻造而成的,以模仿9个世纪前巴黎圣母院最初的木匠使用的方法。

Martin Claudel is the expert who made 60 of these axes at the forge, each stamped with an image of the cathedral. Longer-handled axes are for chopping big pieces of wood and taking off the bark, Claudel explains, while others help carpenters hone the wood with precision and give it a smoother, beautiful surface.

马丁·克劳德尔(Martin Claudel)是在铁匠铺制作了60把这样的斧头的专家,每把斧头上都印有大教堂的图案。克劳德尔解释说,柄柄较长的斧头是用来砍大块木头和剥树皮的,而另一些斧头则可以帮助木匠精确地打磨木头,使其表面更光滑、更漂亮。

"These axes leave a magnificent mark on these beams," Cortes says. "The same medieval mark found on the beams from Notre Dame. For me it is a passion to work with such old tools. You work with your hand, your hatchet, your heart and your head."


A crane lifts one of the giant triangular frames and aligns it next to the others — a dry run before the final installation atop Notre Dame in the coming months. Then, the removable metal pins connecting the trusses will be replaced by permanent wooden mortise and tenon joints. There won't be a single nail, screw or piece of metal in Notre Dame's new medieval roof frame.


Retired Gen. Jean-Louis Georgelin is in charge of the entire project of rebuilding Notre Dame. He says it's important to be faithful to the cathedral's medieval artisans. That spirit is imbuing all the restoration work.

退休将军让-路易·乔治林(Jean-Louis Georgelin)负责重建圣母院的整个项目。他说,忠实于大教堂的中世纪工匠是很重要的。这种精神贯穿于所有的修复工作中。

"You have people everywhere in France working to restore the stain[ed glass] windows, working to find the stones, working for the organ, working to restore the masterpiece paintings in the cathedral and here to build the framework, the spire and so on," he says.


To meet the five-year-deadline, Georgelin says they're combining these old methods with the most advanced computer design technology.


"We're restoring a medieval cathedral," he says, but "Notre Dame will also be a cathedral for the 21st century."





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