
北美建筑学院 | Edward Mazria——观点:建筑设计师污染环境?

admin 2024-2-1 16:50:02 95368


Edward Mazria is an internationally recognized architect, author, researcher, and educator.  


Over the past decade, his seminal research into the sustainability, resilience, energy consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions of the built environment has redefined the role of architecture, planning, design, and building, in reshaping our world.  


He is the founder of Architecture 2030, a think tank developing real-world solutions for 21st century problems, and host of the AIA+2030 Professional Education Series and inspiration for the 2030 Districts movement in North American cities.


The American Institute of Architects has named Edward Mazria, FAIA, as the 2021 AIA Gold Medal winner, recognizing the outstanding efforts of the Santa Fe, N.M.–based Architecture 2030 founder to raise awareness about the role of the built environment in climate change among the design and construction industries, political leaders, and the general public.

美国建筑师协会任命FAIA的爱德华·马兹里亚(Edward Mazria)为2021年AIA金奖得主,以表彰这位总部位于新墨西哥州圣达菲的建筑2030创始人在提高设计和建筑行业、政治领导人和公众对建筑环境在气候变化中的作用的认识方面所做的杰出努力。

Born in Brooklyn, N.Y., the architect attended Pratt Institute before spurning a draft pick from the New York Knicks to join the Peace Corps in 1964.  Following his service assignment in Peru, Mazria returned to New York to join Edward Larrabee Barnes’ office.  He pursued advanced studies at the University of New Mexico and then taught at the University of Oregon, where he focused on solar energy research and authored the best-selling publication The Passive Solar Energy Book (Rodale, 1979).

这位建筑师出生于纽约布鲁克林,曾就读于普拉特学院(Pratt Institute), 1964年拒绝了纽约尼克斯队(New York Knicks)的选秀权,加入了和平队(Peace Corps)。在秘鲁完成服务任务后,Mazria回到纽约加入了Edward Larrabee Barnes的办公室。他在新墨西哥大学继续深造,然后在俄勒冈大学任教,在那里他专注于太阳能研究,并撰写了畅销书《被动式太阳能书》(Rodale, 1979)。

Stockebrand residence, in Albuquerque, N.M.

Upon returning to New Mexico, Mazria produced a notable body of early environmentally conscious work in the Southwest, including the Stockebrand Residence, the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture, Sol y Sombra (the historic estate of Georgia O’Keeffe), the Mt. Airy Public Library, and the Rio Grande Botanic Garden Conservatory.

回到新墨西哥州后,Mazria在西南地区创作了一系列早期的环保作品,包括Stockebrand住宅、印第安艺术和文化博物馆、Sol y Sombra (Georgia O 'Keeffe的历史庄园)、Mt. Airy公共图书馆和Rio Grande植物园温室。

A founding member of AIA’s Committee of the Environment in the early 1990s, Mazria was struck by a 2003 Metropolis cover story that stated simply: “Architects pollute.”  This helped direct his as well as the profession’s attention on the carbon impact of building.  Mazria was one of the first people to calculate the enormous effect that the built environment had in creating our current climate crisis, and one of the first to call the profession to task in order to effect change.


Mazria created the nonprofit Architecture 2030 and ensuing 2030 Challenge to get considerable buy-in across disciplines and the globe;  the 2030 Challenge would later serve as a model for the AIA 2030 Commitment.  Mazria's advocacy also informed the 2015 Paris Agreement, providing an example of how an architect can operate across disciplines and national boundaries to provide guidance and leadership for crucial social change.

Mazria创建了非营利组织“建筑2030”和随后的“2030挑战”,以获得跨学科和全球的广泛支持;“2030挑战”后来成为“AIA 2030承诺”的典范。Mazria的倡导也为2015年的《巴黎协定》提供了信息,提供了一个建筑师如何跨学科和国界运作的例子,为关键的社会变革提供指导和领导。

“At a time when we are fighting a public health pandemic and an escalating climate crisis, Ed’s leadership represents a bold, consistent voice of environmental stewardship for our entire profession,” Brooks + Scarpa's co-founder and managing partner Angela Brooks, FAIA, wrote in support of Mazria's nomination.

Brooks + Scarpa的联合创始人兼管理合伙人安吉拉·布鲁克斯(Angela Brooks)在支持Mazria的提名时写道:“在我们与公共卫生大流行和不断升级的气候危机作斗争的时候,Ed的领导代表了我们整个行业大胆、一致的环境管理声音。”

  “His ability to speak about complex issues in a clear and compelling way [and] to advocate and create tools and policies needed to transform our built environment will result in a healthier, safer, and better future for everyone on planet Earth.”


Sol y Sombra (the estate of artist Georgia O’Keeffe), in Santa Fe, N.M.


For almost two decades, with modest resources, Architecture 2030 has achieved impressive shifts in outlook and practice within the U.S. and global building sectors.  Our initiatives are playing a central role in the process of empowering urban planning and building sector professionals and policymakers, and creating the framework necessary to facilitate systemic change.


Architecture 2030 accomplishes its mission through research and development of practical solutions, and dissemination of those solutions via networks, outreach, and targeted market engagement.  The organization supports bringing about a broad shift in the built environment that is led by architects, planners, educators, developers, owners, managers, builders, NGOs, and local and national governments.

Architecture 2030通过研究和开发实用的解决方案,并通过网络、外展和目标市场参与传播这些解决方案来完成其使命。该组织支持在建筑师、规划师、教育工作者、开发商、业主、管理者、建筑商、非政府组织以及地方和国家政府的领导下,实现建筑环境的广泛转变。




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