
BIM+未来产业 | 5000天后的世界(NEXT 15 Years)5G与先进通信

admin 2024-2-1 16:50:34 55593

5G and Advanced Communication


Advanced communications are enabling dramatic changes in how consumers, manufacturers, governments and others provide and consume information, transact business, provide and use essential services, and shop, among other tasks. 


Gartner, a leading research an analytics company forecasted that there will be over 20 billion connected devices by 2020, and other forecasts have projected continued growth with numbers ranging from 60 to75 billion connected devices by 2025. This insatiable societal demand for connectivity will require significant advancements in communication technologies.


The Administration’s multifaceted 5G efforts are being led by Director Larry Kudlow of the National Economic Council, and within that framework, NIST is playing a vital role. NIST’s programs in advanced communications support secure, reliable, high-speed wireless, and wireline communications critical to U.S. economic competitiveness, safety, and security. 


NIST measurement science research and support for the development of standards accelerates the deployment of next-generation communication technologies that promise to be faster and more reliable, including fifth-generation wireless networks. These technologies will support self-driving cars, internet of things (IoT) applications, drones, and future AI systems. 


NIST is committed to solving the measurement and deployment challenges of this fast-moving field to help the U.S. achieve and maintain global leadership in these areas, and also to help U.S. industry establish manufacturing capabilities needed for domestic market supply. The NIST portfolio of activities focused on advanced communications includes:


  • the National Advanced Spectrum and Communications Test Network (NASCTN), which is a national network of federal, academic and commercial test facilities that provides the testing, modeling and analyses needed to develop and deploy spectrum-sharing facilities;

  • 国家先进频谱和通信测试网络(NASCTN),这是一个由联邦、学术和商业测试设施组成的国家网络,提供开发和部署频谱共享设施所需的测试、建模和分析;

  • the Public Safety Communications Research (PSCR) program, which is leading the development of standards and performing the associated research, development and testing to provide the public safety community access to a dedicated, nationwide LTE broadband network (FirstNet);

  • 公共安全通信研究(PSCR)项目,该项目领导标准的制定,并进行相关的研究、开发和测试,为公共安全社区提供专用的全国性LTE宽带网络(FirstNet);

  • developing and improving the measurement tools and technologies to improve spectrum utilization, and novel spectrum sharing techniques to address the current spectrum crunch; 

  • 开发和改进测量工具和技术以提高频谱利用率,开发新的频谱共享技术以解决当前的频谱紧张问题;

  • providing the measurements and data needed for the development of the next generation of wireless communications systems and improved optical communications technologies.

  • 为下一代无线通信系统和改进的光通信技术的发展提供所需的测量和数据。

Some examples of how NIST is driving strengthened national capabilities in the areas of 5G and other advanced communications technologies include:


  • Industry consortia, like the 5G Millimeter-Wave Channel Model Alliance. This is a NIST-sponsored international research consortium working to advance breakthrough measurement, calibration and channel modeling approaches for millimeter and submillimeter wave frequencies. Effective use of this wavelength spectrum represents a key enabler for applications related to IoT, virtual reality, autonomous vehicles, and ubiquitous small cell connectivity, a key element of 5G deployment. Launched in 2015 the Alliance has since grown to include nearly 80 organizations.

  • 行业联盟,比如5G毫米波信道模型联盟。这是一个由nist赞助的国际研究联盟,致力于推进毫米波和亚毫米波频率的突破性测量、校准和信道建模方法。有效利用该波长频谱是与物联网、虚拟现实、自动驾驶汽车和无处不在的小蜂窝连接相关的应用的关键推动因素,这是5G部署的关键要素。该联盟成立于2015年,现已发展到包括近80家组织。

  • NIST experts are participating in 5G standards development activities in multiple fora including IEEE and the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) where they are working on issues of security and radio access.

  • NIST的专家正在参与包括IEEE和第三代合作伙伴计划(3GPP)在内的多个论坛的5G标准开发活动,他们正在研究安全和无线电接入问题。

  • Unique NIST facilities like the Large Antenna Positioning System. This facility provides measurement capabilities to pioneer new antenna measurement methods for future 5G wireless communications systems. These systems will operate at higher frequencies and offer more than 100 times the data-carrying capacity of today’s cellphones, while connecting billions of mobile broadband users in complex, crowded signal environments. However, their higher frequency signals are more easily distorted and more likely to be affected by physical barriers such as walls or buildings. The unique measurement capabilities developed by NIST will be important in helping industry develop technical solutions such as steerable beam antenna arrays and performance optimizations through artificial intelligence.

  • 独特的NIST设施,如大型天线定位系统。该设施提供测量能力,为未来5G无线通信系统开拓新的天线测量方法。这些系统将以更高的频率运行,并提供超过100倍于当今手机的数据承载能力,同时在复杂、拥挤的信号环境中连接数十亿移动宽带用户。然而,它们的高频信号更容易失真,更容易受到墙壁或建筑物等物理障碍的影响。NIST开发的独特测量能力将有助于行业开发技术解决方案,如可操纵波束天线阵列和通过人工智能进行性能优化。

  • NIST continues to make a significant impact in driving forward innovation in public safety communications technologies. Through PSCR, NIST has engaged numerous groups from both the private and public sectors to address technology challenges faced by the public safety community. These efforts have helped drive advances in everything from the development of security standards for 5G devices and reliable mission critical voice technologies to enabling first responders to take advantage of new performance and safety enhancing technologies like haptics.

  • NIST继续在推动公共安全通信技术的创新方面发挥重要作用。通过PSCR, NIST吸引了来自私营和公共部门的众多团体来解决公共安全社区面临的技术挑战。这些努力有助于推动各方面的进步,从5G设备安全标准的开发和可靠的关键任务语音技术,到使急救人员能够利用触觉等新的性能和安全增强技术。

  • A key example of the output of this work was on display at the 2019 Boston Marathon. The SiFi router developed by Spectronn, as a result of funding and participation in the NIST Public Safety Innovation Accelerator Program, provided public safety with critical communication and computing capabilities without access to the internet, enabling first responders to always have a backup line of communication and computing if their local network failed either partially or completely.

  • 这项工作成果的一个重要例子在2019年波士顿马拉松赛上展出。由Spectronn开发的SiFi路由器是NIST公共安全创新加速器项目的资助和参与的结果,它为公共安全提供了关键的通信和计算能力,而无需访问互联网,使急救人员在本地网络部分或完全故障时始终拥有备份通信和计算线路。




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2024-2-1 16:50:34