
BIM+未来产业 | 5000天后的世界(NEXT 15 Years)生物技术

admin 2024-2-1 16:50:02 95636



In August 2019, the President named the bioeconomy as one of the three R&D priorities for FY2021 under the main priority of American Heath & Bioeconomic Innovation.


A key factor in unleashing the full potential of the bioeconomy will be the ability to harness the power of complex biological systems (primarily cells) in a predictable and safe way for the manufacture of advanced therapeutics, sustainable fuels, chemical feedstocks, and advanced materials. 


Remarkable progress has been made in this field throughout the last decade, particularly with respect to genome read, write, and edit technologies, but there is still a widely recognized need for measurements and standards to enable better predictive engineering, and to support reliable and safe translation of engineered biological systems into products and other use cases.


To support the U.S. bioeconomy, NIST is building next-generation measurement science (biometrology) capabilities and engineering biology laboratories for accelerating responsible biotechnology innovations. Along with supporting basic technology research and development, NIST helps facilitate the translation of technologies to scale through global standardization efforts and partnerships with industry. As metrology is central and essential to all engineering biology research, NIST also plays a significant role in convening stakeholders to discuss challenges and solutions as the field moves forward. 


NIST plays a key role in developing techniques, standards and reference materials used as benchmarks for manufacturing process control and product quality assurance, in order to facilitate commerce for the bioeconomy. The National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals (NIIMBL), the Manufacturing USA institute sponsored by NIST with the University of Delaware, and its participants benefit directly from this work. Recent highlights of NIST work in this field include:



  • The launch of the NIST Living Measurement Systems Foundry to advance U.S. synthetic and engineering biology efforts. The foundry enables the engineering of cells for reliable and safe use in dynamic and unpredictable environments for applications such as living therapeutics, environmental sensing, and structured materials fabrication. An automated facility for high throughput testing and measuring of engineering microbes, the foundry provides a mechanism for partnership with other organizations developing measurement approaches.

  • 启动NIST生活测量系统铸造厂,以推进美国合成和工程生物学的努力。该代工使细胞工程能够在动态和不可预测的环境中可靠和安全地使用,用于生命治疗、环境传感和结构材料制造等应用。作为工程微生物高通量测试和测量的自动化设备,铸造厂提供了与其他开发测量方法的组织合作的机制。

  • The production of world-leading measurements, standards, technologies, and data needed to drive advances in biosciences and biotechnology.

  • 生产世界领先的测量、标准、技术和数据,以推动生物科学和生物技术的进步。

    • The NIST Genome in a Bottle Consortium brings together over 100 industry and academic partners to develop reference standards, methods, and data to enable the translation of whole human genome sequencing to clinical practice. NIST human genome reference standards have helped the Food and Drug Administration approval of diagnostics, provided confidence to enable rapid response of global health issues, accelerated the development of next-gen measurement capabilities, and provided high confidence data underpinning global biological research related to sequencing.

    • NIST瓶中基因组联盟汇集了100多个行业和学术合作伙伴,共同开发参考标准、方法和数据,使全人类基因组测序能够转化为临床实践。NIST的人类基因组参考标准帮助美国食品和药物管理局批准了诊断方法,为快速应对全球健康问题提供了信心,加速了下一代测量能力的发展,并为与测序相关的全球生物研究提供了高可信度的数据。

    • The NIST Gene Editing Consortium brings together 32 leading industry, academic, and government partners to identify pre-competitive standards and measurements to meet the needs of the gene-editing field. NIST leads the Measurement Working Group of this consortium and our researchers are actively developing new capabilities for assessing genome editing outcomes based on the inputs of this group. Working with its partners, NIST recently released a list of lexicons as a unified standard set of terms and definitions serving the needs of the genome editing community. This will provide critical support to various scientific and policy discussions.

    • NIST基因编辑联盟汇集了32个领先的行业、学术和政府合作伙伴,以确定竞争前的标准和测量方法,以满足基因编辑领域的需求。NIST领导着该联盟的测量工作组,我们的研究人员正在积极开发新的能力,以评估基于该小组投入的基因组编辑结果。NIST与其合作伙伴合作,最近发布了一份词典列表,作为一套统一的标准术语和定义,服务于基因组编辑社区的需求。这将为各种科学和政策讨论提供关键支持。

    • NIST is assisting the growing regenerative medicine industry to meet their measurement assurance and other challenges. NIST has been working with companies and other federal agencies to develop measurement assurance strategies for quantitative measurement of living systems needed for translation and commercialization of advanced therapies, including cell therapy, gene therapy, and tissue engineered products.

    • NIST正在协助不断增长的再生医学行业,以满足他们的测量保证和其他挑战。NIST一直在与公司和其他联邦机构合作,为先进疗法(包括细胞疗法、基因疗法和组织工程产品)的转化和商业化所需的生命系统的定量测量制定测量保证策略。

    • NIST is developing key microbiome measurements needed to accelerate the availability of microbiome diagnostics and to enable manufacturing of microbiome therapeutics. Researchers are also developing measurements and standards for pathogen detection in biodefense and infectious disease diagnostics.

    • NIST正在开发关键的微生物组测量,以加速微生物组诊断的可用性,并使微生物组治疗药物的制造成为可能。研究人员还在开发生物防御和传染病诊断中病原体检测的测量方法和标准。

With increased support NIST can continue to provide the necessary measurement and standards capabilities and infrastructure that will be required to unlock the full potential of the U.S. bioeconomy.





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