
SketchUp官方AI插件工具免费发布SketchUp Diffusion

admin 2023-12-9 13:59:08 63316

这是 SketchUp Labs 的一项功能SketchUp Labs 是一个公开测试版计划,受 Trimble 适用的最终用户条款的约束。
SketchUp 扩散 |SketchUp 扩展仓库 su_diffusion_1.0.4.rbz (510.08 KB, 下载次数: 13013)
借助易于使用的生成式 AI,快速生成概念视觉效果并更快地做出设计决策。SketchUp 最新的 Labs 产品 Diffusion 与其桌面、iPad 和 Web 3D 建模环境集成,让您在已知的 SketchUp 界面中利用 AI 的变革力量。探索您的想法,寻找新的灵感,并以前所未有的速度做出设计决策。
Diffusion 扩展可以帮助您:
  • 通过 AI 图像生成与强大而灵活的 3D 建模相结合,让您的愿景成为焦点
  • 通过快速创建和探索各种概念可视化的能力,更快地做出更好的决策
  • 只需输入您想看的图像的描述,然后让 AI 将新概念呈现在您面前,即可找到新的灵感
  • 通过设置保持控制,您可以定义生成图像的样式以及您赋予 AI 多少创作自由。
Diffusion 作为实验室功能提供给桌面、iPad 和 Web 上的所有 SketchUp 订阅者。 关于实验室中的功能,有几点需要了解:
  • 我们需要您的反馈 - 大门是敞开的。如果您有关于我们应该改进什么的建议,关于我们应该关注的地方的想法,或者关于应该如何运作的问题,请告诉我们。 如果您爱上了某项新功能,并且正在从某项内容中获得价值,那么了解这一点对我们也很有帮助!
  • 它们正在进行中 - 随着我们与您的合作,实验室中的功能可能会发生变化和发展。我们齐心协力,确保实验室功能符合严格的安全和安保标准,并满足收集实验想法信息的最低质量和稳定性门槛。鉴于 Labs 是我们测试处于早期开发阶段的东西的地方,您可能会遇到一两个错误(如果您遇到错误,请在论坛中向我们报告)。
  • 它们可能不会发布 - 实验并不总是成功 - 如果你不喜欢实验室中的某些东西,或者它没有增加显着的价值,我们可能会决定关闭它。最终,我们可以随时自行决定是否继续使用或关闭 Labs 功能。
  • 定价和权利可能会发生变化 - 我们可能会使用实验室来测试并获得有关定价和包装的反馈。我们将尽一切努力在实验室功能生效前至少 30 天传达有关定价和包装的更改。


This is a SketchUp Labs feature. SketchUp Labs is a public Beta program that is covered under Trimble's applicable end-user terms.
Rapidly generate concept visuals and make design decisions faster with easy-to-use generative AI. SketchUp’s latest Labs offering, Diffusion, integrates with its Desktop, iPad, and Web 3D modeling environments, letting you harness the transformational power of AI within the SketchUp interface you already know. Explore your ideas, find new inspiration, and make design decisions faster than ever.
The Diffusion extension can help you:
  • Bring your vision into focus with AI image generation combined with powerful and flexible 3D modeling.
  • Make better decisions, faster, with the ability to rapidly create and explore a variety of conceptual visualizations.
  • Find new inspiration by simply typing a description of the image you’d like to see and let AI put new concepts in front of you.
  • Stay in control with settings that let you define the style of generated images and how much creative freedom you give the AI.
Rapidly generate concept visuals to inspire your creative process and support your design narrative. Communicate design details faster to ideate, build alignment, and find solutions at any stage of your project. Bringing your creative vision into focus has never been easier.
For more information, visit:
Diffusion is available as a Labs feature to all SketchUp subscribers on Desktop, iPad, and Web. There are a few things to know about the features that you'll find in Labs:
  • We need your feedback - The door is wide open. Please let us know if you have suggestions about what we should improve, ideas about where we should focus, or questions about how something should work. If you've fallen in love with a new feature and are getting value out of something, it's helpful for us to know that, too!
  • They're works in progress – Features in Labs will likely change and evolve as we collaborate with you. We make a concerted effort to ensure that Labs features adhere to rigorous safety & security standards and that they meet a minimum quality and stability threshold for collecting information about experimental ideas. Given that Labs is a place for us to test things that are in an earlier stage of development, you may encounter a bug or two (and if you do, please report them to us in the forums).
  • They may not be released – Experiments don't always work out - If you don't love something in Labs or it doesn't add significant value, we might decide to shut it down. Ultimately, we may proceed with or close out a Labs feature at any time at Trimble's discretion.
  • Pricing and entitlement may change - We may use Labs to test & get feedback about pricing and packaging. We'll make every effort to communicate changes about pricing and packaging for Labs features at least 30 days before they take effect.

For more information, visit:
SketchUp 扩散
生成式 AI 正在改变设计和建筑工程与施工专业人员完成工作的方式。SketchUp Diffusion 将这项技术集成到您熟悉和喜爱的 SketchUp 中,以帮助您在需要时加速创建引人入胜的视觉效果。无论您是在创作过程中遇到障碍,还是需要一些额外的视觉效果来帮助支持您在项目中建立的叙事,或者只是想充分表达您独特的创意愿景,SketchUp Diffusion 的生成式 AI 都可以提供帮助。

SketchUp Diffusion 可帮助您将活动模型的视口与文本提示相结合,从而创建由 AI 生成的新图像。使用 Diffusion 中提供的选项,您可以:
  • 定义 AI 生成图像的视觉样式。
  • 控制文本提示对输出的影响程度。
  • 将 AI 生成的输出叠加在 SketchUp 模型之上,创建一个可供以后参考的场景。
  • 保存和/或下载 AI 生成的输出以备后用。
如果这是您第一次使用 Diffusion,请查看 Diffusion 入门,了解如何安装 Diffusion 以及根据您使用的 SketchUp 版本对系统的要求。
启动并运行后,请查看 Diffusion 功能,了解如何使用 Diffusion 的导览,包括:
最后,我们希望确保 SketchUp 用户了解这是一项实验性功能,我们将收集各种用户生成的数据。有关详细信息,请参阅数据收集。最后,请参阅引擎盖下,了解有关一切工作原理的信息。
SketchUp Diffusion
Generative AI is transforming the way that Design and Architectural Engineering and Construction professionals get things done. SketchUp Diffusion integrates this technology into the SketchUp you know and love to help accelerate the creation of compelling visuals whenever you need them. Whether you are suffering from a block in your creative process, or need some extra visuals to help support the narrative you’ve established in your project, or just want to fully express your unique creative vision, SketchUp Diffusion’s generative AI can help.

SketchUp Diffusion helps you combine an active model’s viewport with a text prompt, creating a new, AI-generated image. With the options available in Diffusion you can:
  • Define the visual style of your AI-generated images.
  • Control how much, or how little, your text prompt influences the output.
  • Overlay the AI-generated output on top of your SketchUp model, creating a scene you can refer back to later.
  • Save and/or download the AI-generated output for later use.
If it’s your first time using Diffusion, take a look at Getting Started with Diffusion to learn how to install Diffusion and what the system requirements are based on which version of SketchUp you use.
Once you are up and running,  take a look at Diffusion Features for a guided tour of how you use Diffusion including:
Finally, we want to make sure SketchUp users understand that this is an experimental feature and we will collect a variety of user-generated data. For more information see Data Collection. And finally, see Under the Hood for information on how everything works.
SketchUp x GenAI:使用 Diffusion 更快地实现您的愿景 发布日期12月 5, 2023 AuthorSketchUp Team

[color=rgb(37, 42, 46) !important]
让您的创意愿景成为焦点从未如此简单。我们的最新版本 SketchUp DiffusionLABS 可让您在 SketchUp 中利用 AI 的变革能力,在几秒钟内创建渲染图像。未来就在这里,看起来你是一个更有创造力、更有能力的你。
使用 SketchUp Diffusion 从基本的 3D 模型快速生成概念效果图。
SketchUp + 人工智能
人工智能有能力扩展你的创造能力,释放新的潜力。我们致力于推动创新,让 AI 触手可及,因为我们发现了 AI 的潜力,让工作变得更好。
虽然人工智能没有自己的创造性愿景,但它可以帮助你专注于你。[color=rgb(0, 99, 163) !important]刚刚于 #SketchUpLabs 年发布的 Diffusion 将易于使用的生成式 AI 引入 SketchUp,提供了一种快速生成图像的新方法,可以激发您的创作过程并支持您的设计叙述。
如果您能描述它,您现在可以在 SketchUp 中看到它。通过文本提示和简单的模型,您可以生成逼真或风格化的图像来展示您的独特想法。

从概念草图快速移动到渲染设计选项。使用导航箭头查看使用 SketchUp Diffusion 创建的设计概念。
快速提示:通过选择 Diffusion 的预设样式之一,抢占您首选美学的先机。
如果您感到有点卡住或有兴趣探索更多可能性,请通过输入您想要查看的图像的描述来寻找灵感。坐下来,让 AI 将新概念呈现在你面前。
使用“添加场景”将生成的图像添加为 SketchUp 模型中的叠加层。
借助 3D 建模、创意生成、快速可视化和协作工具,快速测试选项并做出更好的决策,所有这些都在 SketchUp 中完成。
当您准备好与利益相关者共享探索性图像的候选名单时,请使用“添加场景”将图像另存为 SketchUp 视口中的叠加层。易于导航的场景将帮助您将客户和协作者直接带入设计的核心。确定理想的解决方案并更快地推进项目。
将 iPad 上的标记模式与 Diffusion 相结合,在几秒钟内从草图转换为逼真的概念渲染。
我们将 AI 视为构思合作伙伴和制作助手,但愿景仍然是您的领域。最终,你可以通过模型、iPad 上的标记和文本提示的任意组合来控制输入。您可以通过选择最合适的样式和设置来确定输出。最后,您可以选择如何共享或使用结果。
开始使用 Diffusion 来扩展您的能力并提高您的创作能力,同时节省您的时间。准备好受到启发,并以多快的速度实现清晰和一致来取悦您的客户。
准备好尝试 Diffusion 了吗?如果要在桌面上查找 Diffusion,请在 [color=rgb(0, 99, 163) !important]Extension Warehouse 中找到它。您可以在最新版本的 SketchUp for iPad 和 Web 中将其作为本机工具进行访问。
Diffusion 将作为 [color=rgb(0, 99, 163) !important]SketchUp Labs 计划的一部分发布。活跃的 Go、Pro 或 Studio 订阅者可在有限的时间内免费使用*,并提供[color=rgb(0, 99, 163) !important]免费试用
有令人印象深刻、意想不到或令人愉快的结果吗?我们很想看看您如何使用 Diffusion 以及您能想出什么。与我们、[color=rgb(0, 99, 163) !important]SketchUp 社区或 [color=rgb(0, 99, 163) !important]#SketchUpLabs 在社交媒体上分享反馈。

*生成式 AI 需要大量的处理资源。在[color=rgb(0, 99, 163) !important]实验室
中访问 Diffusion 时,订阅者无需支付额外费用。我们将在生效前至少 30 次宣布未来的定价更改。
SketchUp x GenAI: realize your vision faster with Diffusion Published DateDecember 5, 2023 AuthorSketchUp Team

[color=rgb(37, 42, 46) !important]
Bringing your creative vision into focus has never been easier. Our latest release, SketchUp DiffusionLABS, lets you harness the transformational power of AI within SketchUp to create rendered images in seconds. The future is here, and it looks like a more creative, more capable you.
Rapidly generate conceptual renderings from even a basic 3D model using SketchUp Diffusion.
In your day-to-day, there’s likely a need to quickly and clearly communicate your ideas. With seemingly infinite design possibilities, we face a balancing act between time spent designing and time spent creating representative images that showcase your best, most creative solutions.
Luckily, AI can help. Here's how.
SketchUp + AI
AI has the power to extend your creative capacity and unlock new potential. We’re committed to driving innovation and making AI accessible where we spot its potential to transform work for the better.
While AI doesn’t have a creative vision of its own, it can help you focus yours. Diffusion, just released in [color=rgb(0, 99, 163) !important]#SketchUpLabs, brings easy-to-use generative AI into SketchUp, offering a novel way to quickly generate images that inspire your creative process and support your design narrative.
Bring your vision into focus
Choose from eight preset styles to define the aesthetic of your generated images.
If you can describe it, you can now see it in SketchUp. With a text prompt and a simple model, you can generate photorealistic or stylized images to demonstrate your distinct idea.
Instead of searching for something similar to what you envision and trying to convey to clients how your concept is “close but a little different,” you can now more precisely capture your unique creation.

Move quickly from concept sketch to rendered design options. Use the navigation arrows to view design concepts created with SketchUp Diffusion.
Quick tip: Get a head start on your preferred aesthetic by selecting one of Diffusion’s preset styles.
Overcome creative blocks
Settings sliders let you fine-tune your image output. Maintain your model geometry or put more power into your text prompt.
If you’re feeling a little stuck or are interested in exploring more possibilities, find inspiration by typing a description of the image you’d like to see. Sit back and let AI put new concepts in front of you.
Settings sliders let you decide how much influence your prompts have and how strictly your model is adhered to in generated images.
For example, say you have a basic massing model and want to generate some concepts for the form and finish of the project. Describe how you want the building to look with a text prompt, then try playing with the settings sliders. Dialing up “prompt influence” and dialing back “respect model geometry” will closely follow your text description but transform your model in the generated images so you can see new elements that might just inspire an entirely new direction.
The settings work in the other direction too. If you’re further along with your model and want to explore things like context, lighting and materiality, turn up “respect model geometry” to produce images that show your exact model with the finishes and context that you dictate.
Quick tip: If it’s still early days, you can jump straight to the text prompt to see your ideas manifest before you even model a thing.
Find alignment early
Add your generated image as an overlay in your SketchUp model using Add Scene.
Test options quickly and make better decisions with 3D modeling, idea generation, rapid visualization, and tools for collaboration — all in SketchUp.
When you’re ready to share your shortlist of exploratory images with stakeholders, use “Add Scene” to save your images as an overlay in the SketchUp viewport. Easy-to-navigate Scenes will help you transport clients and collaborators straight to the heart of your design. Identify ideal solutions and move projects forward faster.
Maintain creative control
Combine Markup mode on iPad with Diffusion to move from sketch to photorealistic concept rendering in seconds.
We see AI as an ideation partner and production assistant, but the vision is still your domain. Ultimately, you control the input with any combination of your model, markups on iPad, and text prompts. You determine the output by selecting the most appropriate Styles and Settings. Lastly, you choose how to share or use the results.
Refine the prompt to further develop an idea, save the image as a Scene to model or sketch over it, or share the images to kickstart collaboration. Diffusion lives at the intersection of creative freedom and expanded productivity.
Dial up your creative potential
Get started with Diffusion to extend your capabilities and boost your creative capacity while saving yourself time. Prepare to be inspired and delight your clients with how fast you can achieve clarity and alignment.
Ready to try Diffusion? If you’re looking for Diffusion on Desktop, find it in the [color=rgb(0, 99, 163) !important]Extension Warehouse. You can access it as a native tool in the latest versions of SketchUp for iPad and Web.
Diffusion is being released as part of the [color=rgb(0, 99, 163) !important]SketchUp Labs program. It’s available to active Go, Pro, or Studio subscribers free for a limited time* and with a [color=rgb(0, 99, 163) !important]free trial.
Tell us what you think
Have impressive, unexpected, or delightful results? We’d love to see how you use Diffusion and what you can come up with. Share feedback with us, the [color=rgb(0, 99, 163) !important]SketchUp Community or on social with [color=rgb(0, 99, 163) !important]#SketchUpLabs.




46 回复

2023-12-8 21:49:21

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2023-12-9 03:09:32
2023-12-9 08:07:55
2023-12-9 12:26:33
好好 学习了 确实不错
2023-12-9 13:03:41