

admin 2021-6-28 22:46:17 23880
OFIYAA 三(三)-屏幕可立即将两个屏幕添加到任何笔记本电脑平板电脑工作站。任何笔记本电脑。任何地方。仅98美金!
  • 通过 DHL 全球免费送货!发货时间约:7-20 个工作日。
  • 它采用11.6英寸/12英寸、16:9 FHD高清显示屏,分辨率为1080P/60HZ(1920*1080P),更贴近笔记本电脑屏幕,确保所见即所得。
  • OFIYAA的内置支架可以适配13-16寸的笔记本电脑外壳,每个屏幕都可以单独调节设置显示参数。
  • 几乎适用于任何笔记本电脑:通用附件可以轻松连接到任何笔记本电脑。
  • 极其紧凑和便携:即使您不使用它,它也可以放在您的笔记本电脑上。
  • 仅重 2 磅,非常轻巧:它的重量不到标准笔记本电脑的一半。
  • 与所有操作系统兼容:无论您运行何种操作系统,它都是一致的。(Mac、Windows、Linux、Chrome 等)
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OFIYAA 是一款多功能便携式双屏笔记本电脑显示器,可让您快速构建个人移动工作站。OFIYAA 是一款精心设计的生产力工具,可以将您的单屏笔记本电脑变成三屏笔记本电脑。感谢我们的技术团队,他们将两个漂亮的屏幕组合在一起。这意味着 OFIYAA 可以将您的工作效率提高 50%。


在我们的笔记本电脑上工作时,在窗口和应用程序之间切换会浪费每分钟 2 秒。文件错误、数据混乱、程序崩溃总能让用户发疯!
外接显示器不仅是硬安装,而且不便携。所以请相信 OFIYAA,这是一款多功能、方便、低价的移动双屏显示器。您的时间和金钱不应该浪费在处理这么多复杂的外部设备上!
插入 USB-C 电缆并开始工作,OFIYAA 就是这么简单。


OFIYAA 是多模式的。您可以选择在三个屏幕上显示相同或不同的内容。此外,您还可以连接其他外部视频输入设备,这意味着 OFIYAA 可以处理您日常生活中的多种情况。


OFIYAA 适合 13-16 英寸笔记本电脑。更好的是两个屏幕可以分别调整参数。OFIYAA搭载两块11.6英寸/12英寸16:9 FHD高清显示屏,分辨率为1080P/60Hz(1920*1080P)。有了这些漂亮的屏幕,您可以在所有三个屏幕上以非常好的图像质量运行各种软件。无论您是想做绘画、3D 建模还是只是观看 1080P 视频。OFIYAA 可以满足您的所有需求。



两块220CD/㎡亮度,雾面Wled背光,IPS面板广视角科技屏,保证广角视野。这意味着您可以从多个角度欣赏美景而不会失真。此外,OFIYAA 具有能源之星评级级别,因此它消耗的笔记本电脑电量很少。单屏功率为 5 W,确保即使由笔记本电脑供电,您也可以拥有更长的使用时间。




OFIYAA 采用优质工业材料制成,可承受笔记本电脑携带时的磨损。已通过10,000+次反复折叠疲劳测试,至少可使用5年以上。
重量为 2.93 磅,尺寸为 315*215*39mm。OFIYAA 的重量和尺寸与 Macbook Air 相似。这个规格,你可以很容易地把它放在你的背包里。想象一下,您在咖啡店有一个完整的个人工作站。哇,这很酷。

OFIYAA配备USB/HDMI/TYPE-C*2接口,只要是TPYE-C笔记本,信号+电源二合一,OFIYAA就可以实现单线连接显示。多口设置让 OFIYAA 同时充电和视频显示。这意味着 OFIYAA 可以满足长期应用的需求。同时,OFIYAA可搭载各种耗电的外接设备,屏幕即可供电,无需外接各种繁琐的充电器。

OFIYAA超越了两台显示器的功能,众筹价格低于其他显示设备。1 + 1 屏幕组合比任何显示器都更强大。这款高性价比的移动工作站将成为您生活中不可或缺的多功能显示设备。


1 回复

2021-6-28 22:46:17
  • Free Shipping Worldwide Via DHL! Shipping Time about: 7-20 business days.
  • It uses 11.6-inches/12-inches, 16:9 FHD high-definition display with a resolution of 1080P/60HZ (1920*1080P), which is closer to the laptop screen, ensure that everything you see is clear.
  • OFIYAA's built-in stand can be adapted to the 13-16 inch laptop shell, and each screen can be individually adjusted to set the display parameters.
  • Works on almost ANY laptop: universal attachment makes it simple to attach to any laptop.
  • Extremely compact & portable: so slim it can stay on your laptop even when you aren’t using it.
  • Remarkably lightweight at only 2 pounds: it weighs less than half of a standard laptop.
  • Compatible with every OS: No matter the OS you run, it’s consistent. (Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome, etc.)

OFIYAA: Portable Triple Screen Laptop Workstation
Instantly add two screens to any laptop and boost your productivity while working anywhere.
OFIYAA is a multifunctional and portable dual screen laptop monitor, which allows you to build your personal mobile workstation quickly. OFIYAA is well-designed as a productivity tool which can turn your one-screen laptop into a triple-screen one. Thanks to our technical team, they combined two nice screens together. This means OFIYAA can improve your work efficiency by 50%.


While working on our laptop, 2 seconds per minute would be wasted by switching between windows and applications. File errors, data confusion, program crash can always make users go crazy!
An external display is not only hard-installing, but also not portable. So trust in OFIYAA, a multifunctional, handy, low-priced mobile dual screen monitor. Your time and money should not be wasted or dealing with so many complicated external devices!
Plug in a USB-C cable and start your work, OFIYAA is just that simple.


Multiple Display Modes
OFIYAA is multi-mode. You can choose to display the same or different content on your three screens. Also, you can connect other external video input devices, which means OFIYAA can handle multiple situations in your daily life.
Applicable operating systems: MacOS/Windows/Android/Chrome/Linux


HD Display For A Wide Range Of Applications
OFIYAA fits 13-16 inches laptop. What's better is that the two screens can adjust parameters separately. OFIYAA carries two 11.6 inches/12 inches 16:9 FHD high-definition display with a resolution of 1080P/60Hz (1920*1080P). With these nice screens, you can run all kinds of software on all three screens at a very nice picture quality. No matter you want to do painting, 3D modeling or just watch a 1080P video. OFIYAA can afford all your needs.


Adjustable Screen Parameters
As was said before, the screen parameters of each screen can be adjusted separately. The adjustable parameters include brightness, color, scene mode , DCR(Dynamic Contrast), Sharpness, HUE, saturation, backlight, color temp, language, ASPECT, auto powerdown, wide dynamic mode, volume, etc. Totally 30 adjustable parameters.

High Brightness & Energy Saving
Two 220 CD/㎡ brightness, matte Wled backlight, IPS panel wide viewing angle technological screen can insure a wide-angle view. This means you can enjoy a great sight at multiple angles without distortion. Also, OFIYAA has an Energy Star Rating level, so it will consume very little power of your laptop. A single screen power is 5 W, which makes sure you can have a longer use time even powered by your laptop.
Foldable & Multi-View
The two screens has a large rotation angle of 202°. This means you can choose the best viewing angel in any situation. If you want two of your friends to watch at the same time. It can perfectly meet your need.
Durable & Wear-Resistant
OFIYAA is made of high quality industrial materials and can withstand the wear and tear of carrying with the laptop computers. It has passed 10,000+ times of repeated folding fatigue tests and can be used for at least 5 years or longer.
Compact & Portable
With 2.93 pounds weight and 315*215*39mm size. OFIYAA has the similar weight and size as your Macbook Air. Of this specification, you can easily carry it in your backpack. Imagine you have a complete personal workstation in a coffee shop. Wow, that’s cool.
Mobile Phone Projector + Microcomputer
OFIYAA can not only connect to a computer, but also a mobile phone through Type-C to realize the conversion of mobile phone mode/computer mode, so that the mobile phone can become a computer in a few seconds. After connection, the content displayed by the mobile phone can be projected on the screen, or the mobile phone can be used as a microcomputer to operate on the screen like a computer. Currently, this function supports Huawei EMUI and Samsung DEX.
Powerful Scalability
OFIYAA is equipped with USB/HDMI/TYPE-C*2 port, as long as it is a TPYE-C laptop with a signal + power supply combo, OFIYAA can achieve a one-line connection display. The multi-port setting allows OFIYAA to charge and video display at the same time. This means OFIYAA can meet the needs of long-term applications. Meanwhile, OFIYAA can be equipped with various power-consuming external devices, the screen can provide power, and you do not need to connect various cumbersome chargers.

Great Value
OFIYAA surpasses the functions of two monitors, and the crowdfunding price is lower than other display devices. The 1 + 1 screen combination is more powerful than any monitor. This cost-effective mobile workstation will become an indispensable multifunctional display device in your life.
