
BricsCAD观点:Machine Learning and CAD机器人AI学习及CAD

admin 2019-2-7 15:05:03 54630
Bricsys正在努力制作2019年,即CAD中的AI年。从自动BIM BIMify与点击减少文件大小Blockify。
真正的计算机辅助设计对AEC行业的承诺是一个重要的行业趋势。我们预测这种趋势将在2019年获得速度.- Bricsys的BricsCAD BIM产品负责人Tiemen Strobbe
layers-of-lines.png 使用Blockify机器学习可以智能地检测绘图,即使使用Blockify在一个和另一个上分层。BricsCAD中的机器学习
在Bricsys,我们的短期重点是在我们的BIM工作流程中扩展MI ​​/ ML的使用。
mceclip0.png BIMify自动化BIM元素分类,无需花费数小时将IFC数据分配给单个元素。
bimpropagate.png 传播智能建筑元素的重用。只需单击即可复制联结,详细信息和对象。
parametrize.png 自动参数化对象。参数化允许人们非常快速地创建一系列类似的项目或调整对象大小以完美地适应空间。
blockify.png Blockify会自动检测类似的项目并将它们组合在一起,从而减少文件大小并使图形编辑和整理速度提高10倍。
bimcurtainwall.png 幕墙,在任何表面上生成玻璃镶板,自动计算复杂形状的四边形的最佳布局  。
展望未来,我们期望MI / ML算法更广泛地应用于整个AEC流程。从概念设计的智能布局工具开始,然后进入设计开发。我们正在研究可以通过自动细节提高BIM 发展水平(LOD)的新工作流程。
通过使用机器人技术和数字化制造实现施工过程自动化的举措将在未来几年取得重大进展。人工智能的使用将帮助自由设计师,工程师和建设者免于重复,并确保提升创造力而不增加复杂性的负担。观看Tjerk Gauderis谈论他对BricsCAD的预测。
columns.png Propagate使用AI来检测所有可能的位置以在CAD模型上复制对象,因此您不必这样做。准备在您的CAD中利用ML了吗?

在Bricsys,我们认为2019年是AI的一年。使用像; BIMify传播,参数化,封锁,幕墙为您的设计添加MI,仅限BricsCAD。
Bricsys is working to make 2019, the year of AI in CAD. From automatic BIM with BIMify to reduced files sizes in a click with Blockify.

2019 the year of ML in CAD
Here at Bricsys we believe the use of AI, Machine Intelligence (MI), and Machine Learning (ML) will transform AEC workflows this year. CAD is smart, but it’s getting smarter!

mi ai ml artifical inteligence in cad

The promise of true Computer Aided Design for the AEC industries is an important industry trend. We predict that this trend will gain velocity in 2019. – Tiemen Strobbe, BricsCAD BIM Product Owner at Bricsys

Last month we looked at how GAN is being used to allow computers to auto-generate designs, but this is just the beginning. In the news you will also have seen Airbus creating AI designed airplanes, that minimize material wastage and more importantly, weight. There are also some really cool developments in the techniques used to generate 3D representations from mono-2D images.

AI is somewhat old hat for most of us, but with ML the “machine” is constantly learning and improving. With each error and problem that BricsCAD encounters, ML allows BricsCAD to improve and adapt. We predict that MI and ML architectural design and documentation “assistants” will grow in use and revolutionize the way people work with CAD.

auto draw
With Blockify Machine learning intelligently detects drawings, even when layered over one and other with Blockify.
Machine Learning in BricsCAD
At Bricsys, our short-term focus is on expanding the usage of MI/ML in our BIM workflow.

Today, we offer tools like:
bimify BIMify to automate BIM element classification, no need to spend hours assigning IFC data to individual elements.

Propagate for intelligent building element re-use. Replicate junctions, details, and objects, with just a click.

Parametrize objects automatically. Parameterize allows people to very quickly, create a range of similar items or resize objects to perfectly fit a space.

Blockify automatically detects similar items and groups them together, reducing file size and making editing and tidying up drawings 10x faster.

curtain wall Curtain Wall, generates glass paneling on any surface, automatically calculating the optimum layout of quadrilaterals on complex shapes.

Moving forward, we expect MI/ML algorithms to be more broadly applied to the entire AEC process. Starting with intelligent layout tools for conceptual design and moving into design development. We are investigating new workflows that can increase BIM level of development (LOD) through automatic detailing.

The move to automate the construction process through the use of robotics and digital fabrication will make great strides in the coming years. The use of AI will help free designers, engineers, and builders from repetition, and ensure that creativity is lifted without the burden of added complexity. Watch Tjerk Gauderis talk about his predictions for BricsCAD.

Propagate uses AI to detect all possible locations to replicate an object on a CAD model, so you don’t have to.
Ready to leverage ML in your CAD?
Easy to try, easy to buy, easy to own. That’s BricsCAD. Try all of our products, for free for 30 days at www.bricsys.com. Freedom of choice, plus perpetual (permanent) product licenses that work with all languages, in all places. You’ll love what we’ve built for you with the BricsCAD product family.

Here at Bricsys we think 2019 is the year of AI. Use tools like; BIMify Propagate, Parametrize, Blockify, Curtain Wall to add MI to your designs, only with BricsCAD.


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