
BIM Vision新版本视频介绍

YOUKU3D 2019-1-18 12:33:59 81805
BIM Vision新版本视频介绍

BIM Vision是一款免费的IFC模型查看器。它允许查看来自CAD系统的虚拟模型,如Revit,Archicad,Advance,DDS CAD,Tekla,Nemetschek VectorWorks,Bentley,Allplan等,而无需拥有这些系统的商业许可或拥有每个特定供应商的查看器。BIM Vision可视化以IFC格式2×3创建的BIM模型。它有许多内置功能,是第一个带插件界面的查看器。

BIM Vision是一款非常易于使用的工具,可帮助您节省投入任务实施的时间,金钱和精力。Bim Vision允许项目参与者识别问题并在设计阶段解决问题。投资流程参与者和工作时间优化之间的信息传递比以往更有效率是使用此工具的最大优势。


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bimvision_en_2018.pdf (1.82 MB, 下载次数: 2)


BIM Vision是一款非常易于使用的工具,可帮助您节省投入任务实施的时间,金钱和精力。Bim Vision允许项目参与者识别问题并在设计阶段解决问题。


BIM Vision

BIM Vision is a freeware IFC model viewer. It allows to view the virtual models coming from CAD systems like Revit, Archicad, Advance, DDS CAD, Tekla, Nemetschek VectorWorks, Bentley, Allplan and others without necessity of having commercial licenses of these systems or having each of particular vendor’s viewer. BIM Vision visualizes the BIM models created in IFC format 2×3. It has many built-in features and is the first viewer with plugin interface.

BIM Vision is a tool extremely easy to use which will help you save time, money and energy invested in task implementation. Bim Vision allows project participants to identify the problems and solve them still during the design phase. More efficient than ever circulation of information between the participants of the investment process and the optimization of working time are the biggest advantages of working with this tool.

2.19 (current version) – release date: 2018-07-19

  • ability to move (offset) selected objects on 3D view to any direction
  • option to draw edges of selected objects, even if they are covered
  • support more IFC4 elements and types
  • improvements in compare models mode
  • added Location and Classification tabs in properties window
  • the layout of property sets (collapsed / expanded) is remembered when viewing objects. Note: settings are not saved in the BVF file

2.18 – release date: 2017-10-10

  • improvements to measure mode (measurement now can be done on any tab)
  • measure are remembered by plugins that save view state (Gallery and IFC Comments)
  • ability to hide inactive elements in objects list window
  • changes are merged in object list window when comparing models
  • faster generation of geometry through the use of multiple processor cores

2.17 – release date: 2017-08-21

  • multiple cutting planes, moving cutting planes by mouse
  • ability to sort types, layers and groups by name

2.16 – release date: 2017-06-12

  • ability to change field of view for perspective projection
  • orthogonal and oblique projections
  • options to rotate current view by 90 degrees
  • ability to measure total area of an object(s)

2.15 – release date: 2017-04-26

  • ability to take measurements in Imperial and US customary units
  • option to change zoom for minimap
  • inactive elements cannot be selected
  • menu “Export to BVF” is replaced by “Save” and “Save as…” options
  • displaying properties for door/window type and style

2.14 – release date: 2017-03-16

  • introducing partial support for IFC4 file format
  • ability to save and load all opened IFC files with plugin data, into one BIM Vision File (file extension *.BVF)
  • improvements for module Multifile (multiple file viewing)
    • new IFC Structure merge modes – you can now merge storeys also by name and elevation
    • ability to unload projects (unloaded projects are not visible in viewer and will be not saved into BVF file)
  • “Fly mode” option that allows to navigate through the model from first-person perspective
  • removed edges that are inside planar surfaces
  • ability to set up measurement precision
  • access for plugin help files from main menu

2.13 – release date: 2016-11-10

  • displaying information from IFC file header in Project’s properties
  • new view option “Active selection”, which is default and allows to preview selection and measurement, while mouse cursor is over an element
  • “Advanced options” in main menu – ability to change parameters for geometry generation
  • displaying graphic card name and OpenGL version in “About” window

2.12 – release date: 2016-09-27

  • added location bar
  • minimap improvements – now draws storey that contains selected elements and draws selection
  • support for reading compressed IFC files (*.ifcZIP)
  • option to regenerate geometry for viewing projects, which have large distances
  • new navigation mode with Alt key pressed – it does not change camera control point

2.11 – release date: 2016-09-02

  • displaying groups and systems defined in IFC file
  • new color theme: “Graphite Gray” with two background colors – gray and dark gray
  • minimap option
  • improvements for multiple file viewing (module Multifile)
  • new option for IFC Structure object list – merge storeys
  • storey slide always operates on merged storeys

2.10 – release date: 2016-06-23

  • ability to load multiple IFC files in one view
  • new measure and selection modes
  • displaying more object’s properties and units
  • bug fixes and stability improvements

2.9 – release date: 2015-10-23

  • added “Element Specific” properties which contain additional object’s informations that are provided in IFC file
  • included 64 bit version of application which is faster and handles very large models

2.8 – release date: 2015-09-03

  • buttons of plugins added to quick access toolbar are remembered
  • new languages, api functions and plugins

2.7 – release date: 2015-06-19

  • new projection views and options
  • ability to get volume and weight of selection
  • storey slide improvments

2.6 – release date: 2015-05-19

  • displaying objects’ colors defined in IFC file
  • drawing optimizations for work with large models
  • full support for Unicode characters

2.5 – release date: 2015-04-01

  • support for touch screen and gestures
  • touch mode option (enlarge GUI for tablets)
  • “Fill slice” option now works on AMD / ATI graphics cards

2.4 – release date: 2015-03-23

  • new area measure options
  • added ribbon collapse and full screen mode options

2.3 – release date: 2015-01-19

  • plugins are now avaliable to end users
  • integration with BIM Vision Plugin Store


2.19(当前版本) - 发布日期:2018-07-19

  • 能够将3D视图上的选定对象移动(偏移)到任何方向
  • 绘制所选对象边缘的选项,即使它们被覆盖也是如此
  • 支持更多IFC4元素和类型
  • 比较模型模式的改进
  • 在属性窗口中添加了位置和分类选项卡
  • 查看对象时会记住属性集(折叠/展开)的布局。注意:设置不会保存在BVF文件中

2.18 - 发布日期:2017-10-10

  • 测量模式的改进(现在可以在任何选项卡上进行测量)
  • 保存视图状态的插件会记住测量值(图库和IFC注释)
  • 能够隐藏对象列表窗口中的非活动元素
  • 比较模型时,更改将在对象列表窗口中合并
  • 通过使用多个处理器内核更快地生成几何体

2.17 - 发布日期:2017-08-21

  • 多个切割平面,通过鼠标移动切割平面
  • 能够按名称对类型,图层和组进行排序

2.16 - 发布日期:2017-06-12

  • 能够改变透视投影的视野
  • 正交和倾斜投影
  • 将当前视图旋转90度的选项
  • 测量物体总面积的能力

2.15 - 发布日期:2017-04-26

  • 能够以帝国和美国惯用单位进行测量
  • 用于更改缩略图的缩放的选项
  • 无法选择非活动元素
  • 菜单“导出到BVF”由“保存”和“另存为...”选项替换
  • 显示门/窗类型和样式的属性

2.14 - 发布日期:2017-03-16

  • 引入对IFC4文件格式的部分支持
  • 能够使用插件数据保存和加载所有打开的IFC文件到一个BIM视觉文件(文件扩展名* .BVF)
  • 模块Multifile的改进(多文件查看)
    • 新的IFC结构合并模式 - 您现在可以通过名称和高程合并楼层
    • 卸载项目的能力(卸载的项目在查看器中不可见,并且不会保存到BVF文件中)
  • “飞行模式”选项,允许从第一人称角度浏览模型
  • 去除了平面表面内的边缘
  • 能够设置测量精度
  • 从主菜单访问插件帮助文件

2.13 - 发布日期:2016-11-10

  • 在Project的属性中显示来自IFC文件头的信息
  • 新视图选项“活动选择”,默认情况下允许预览选择和测量,而鼠标光标位于元素上方
  • 主菜单中的“高级选项” - 更改几何体生成参数的功能
  • 在“关于”窗口中显示图形卡名称和OpenGL版本

2.12 - 发布日期:2016-09-27

  • 添加了位置栏
  • 小地图改进 - 现在绘制包含所选元素的楼层并绘制选择
  • 支持读取压缩的IFC文件(* .ifcZIP)
  • 用于重新查看具有较大距离的项目的几何体的选项
  • 按下Alt键的新导航模式 - 它不会更改摄像机控制点

2.11 - 发布日期:2016-09-02

  • 显示IFC文件中定义的组和系统
  • 新的颜色主题:“石墨灰”,有两种背景颜色 - 灰色和深灰色
  • 小地图选项
  • 多文件查看的改进(模块Multifile)
  • IFC结构对象列表的新选项 - 合并楼层
  • 层叠幻灯片始终在合并的楼层上运行

2.10 - 发布日期:2016-06-23

  • 能够在一个视图中加载多个IFC文件
  • 新的衡量和选择模式
  • 显示更多对象的属性和单位
  • 错误修复和稳定性改进

2.9 - 发布日期:2015-10-23

  • 添加了“元素特定”属性,其中包含IFC文件中提供的其他对象信息
  • 包括64位版本的应用程序,它更快,处理非常大的模型

2.8 - 发布日期:2015-09-03

  • 添加到快速访问工具栏的插件按钮会被记住
  • 新语言,api函数和插件

2.7 - 发布日期:2015-06-19

  • 新的投影视图和选项
  • 能够获得选择的体积和重量
  • 层状幻灯片改进

2.6 - 发布日期:2015-05-19

  • 显示IFC文件中定义的对象颜色
  • 绘制优化以适应大型模型
  • 完全支持Unicode字符

2.5 - 发布日期:2015-04-01

  • 支持触摸屏和手势
  • 触摸模式选项(放大平板电脑的GUI)
  • “填充切片”选项现在适用于AMD / ATI显卡

2.4 - 发布日期:2015-03-23

  • 新区域测量选项
  • 添加了功能区折叠和全屏模式选项

2.3 - 发布日期:2015-01-19

  • 插件现在可供最终用户使用
  • 与BIM Vision插件商店集成
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1 回复

2019-1-18 12:33:59
BIM Vision新版本本地下载:

BIM Vision Setup.part3.rar

3.1 MB, 下载次数: 11, 下载积分: 贡献值 -1

BIM Vision Setup.part2.rar

10 MB, 下载次数: 8, 下载积分: 贡献值 -1

BIM Vision Setup.part1.rar

10 MB, 下载次数: 10, 下载积分: 贡献值 -1
