
Bricsys 發佈一款類似 SketchUp 的 Shape 建模工具,可用於 AEC 概念設計

YOUKU3D 2019-1-6 11:50:25 48303
SketchUp 葛格!有個乍看長得跟你很像的小兄弟來了,他的名字叫做 Shape。
跟你的差別在於你玩的三維是 SKP 模型,這個弟弟玩的三維是 DWG 模型。他的功能比你簡單得多,可是做建築概念設計銜接 BricsCAD BIM 倒是不錯的。
《Bricsys 發佈一款類似 SketchUp 的 Shape 建模工具,可用於 AEC 概念設計》
這是一款免費並且簡單易用的建模工具,使用 DWG 作為原生檔案格式。
比利時的 CAD 發展商 Bricsys 發表了 Shape,它是一款基於 ".dwg" 用於 3D 概念設計的軟體工具。Bricsys 首席執行官 Erik de Keyser 表示,這款軟體將於 2018 年初推出讓人免費使用。(※ 免費很重要,將會是迅速普及化的推手)
2017 年 10 月 25 日在巴黎舉行了一場 Bricsys 開發商、經銷商和新聞界的年會,會議上 Bricsys 簡要的展示了 Shape 這個軟體工具。BricsCAD 是 Bricsys 全球性銷售的 .dwg 編輯器,而 Shape 則是 BricsCAD 的重新設計出來的一個子集。
de Keyser 說:「Shape 解決了要簡單起步的需求。如果說你必須成為操作建築軟體的專家,那你就錯了,你應該成為這個建築專業的專家。」
de Keyser 和首席開發人員 Kevin Settlemyre 都表示,對任何曾經接受過 AutoCAD 培訓的人員來說,參照其用戶經驗所設計出來的軟體是熟悉而舒適的。Bricsys 正在大力投資創建其產品的 BIM module,這次也在會議上展示。
在概觀印象上,Shape 讓人聯想到 Trimble SketchUp,這是在 AEC 中所使用一種流行的 3D 線架構建模器,經常用於概念設計和施工文檔,在其 0,0,0 XYZ 座標基點上有著一個人形圖標。初始的功能表是有限的,在其使用者界面和行業模型中可以看到關鍵性的差異。SketchUp 所使用的是其原生開發的 GUI (圖形用戶界面),和 AutoCAD 完全不同。而 Shape 則是 BricsCAD 的一個子集,它緊緊跟隨著 AutoCAD 的用戶經驗走。
Shape 分享了能在 BricsCAD 中找到的兩個獨有的命令輸入工具。第一個命令是「Quad 遊標」,是一個信息資源,它展現的命令項目會隨著遊標位置和使用者當前的行為而變化。de Keyser說:「這是一個沒有任何缺失的圖形用戶界面 (GUI),但同樣重要的是——它不含有冗餘的内容。」第二個命令是「操作者」(Manipulator),一個在移動圖元時出現的替代性遊標,更容易的設置定位角度。
Shape 的應用目標是為了能快速創建牆體以及建築概念設計典型的其他造形。由於 Shape 是出自 BricsCAD 的功能架構產生,因此在 BricsCAD、AutoCAD 或任何其他能導入 .dwg 檔案的軟體中使用 Shape 模型,都不需要額外進行檔案格式轉換。
就和市場上的其他 BIM 編輯器一樣,應用的 "構造元件" 也是智能化的。牆、門、窗和其他構造元件都携帶它們的定義、材料等元數據 (metadata)。如果改變圖元的形狀,則其元數據和任何相關的約束都會隨之更新。
de Keyser 相信 Shape 的潛在市場範圍含括到了數以百萬計的 AutoCAD 使用者,這些設計師他們已經瞭解如何操作 AutoCAD,但是想要有一種輕便又簡單的工具用在初步建築設計上。
現在的這個 Shape 版本應用對象並未指向機械專業或其他繪圖專業,Bricsys 也沒有提到以後是否會跟隨當前這個基於 AEC 的初始版本去開發適合其他專業的 Shape 版本。
〔分享自 AEC Magazine〕翻译:柏基建筑师
Bricsys introduces SketchUp-like Shape for AEC conceptual design
Published: 27 October 2017Free simple to use modelling tool uses DWG as native file format Bricsys_1.jpg

Belgian CAD developer Bricsys has announced Shape, a new .dwg-based 3D conceptual design software tool. The software will be available for free early in 2018, says Bricsys CEO Erik de Keyser.
Shape was demonstrated briefly at the annual Bricsys Conference for developers, resellers, and the press on 25 October in Paris. Shape is a reworked subset of BricsCAD, the .dwg editor that Bricsys sells globally.
“Shape addresses the need for starting off simple,” says de Keyser. “If you have to be a specialist on the software, that’s wrong. You should be a specialist on the discipline.” Both de Keyser and lead developer Kevin Settlemyre say the user experience is designed to be familiar and comfortable to anyone who has trained on AutoCAD. Bricsys is investing heavily on creating a BIM version of its product, which it also showed at the conference.

Upon initial view, Shape is reminiscent of Trimble SketchUp, the popular 3D wireframe modeler used in AEC for conceptual design and construction documentation. There is an icon of a person at the 0,0,0 XYZ coordinate base. The initial menu is limited. The key differences are in found in the user interface and the business model. SketchUp uses a GUI (graphical user interface) originally developed to be distinctly different from AutoCAD, while Shape is a subset of BricsCAD, which follows the AutoCAD user experience closely.
Shape shares two unique command entry tools found in BricsCAD. The first is Quad cursor, an information resource that presents commands which vary with the location of the cursor and the current actions of the user. “It is a GUI where nothing is missing but — just as important — there is nothing too much,” says de Keyser. The second is Manipulator, an alternate cursor that appears when moving objects, to set angles for easier location.
Shape is meant to make quick work of creating walls and other shapes typical of architectural conceptual design. Because it is based on BricsCAD, there is no file conversion necessary to use Shape models in BricsCAD, AutoCAD or any other software that imports .dwg files.
The structural elements are intelligent, as with other BIM editors on the market. Walls, doors, windows and other structural elements carry metadata of their definition, materials, etc. If the shape of an object changes, the metadata and any relevant constraints are updated.
De Keyser believes the potential market for Shape is the millions of people who already know how to use AutoCAD but want something light and simple for rudimentary architectural design. It is not meant for mechanical or other drafting disciplines, and there was no mention by Bricsys if versions of Shape for other disciplines may follow this initial AEC-based release.


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