
A3 VISION | 生命,宇宙以及一切

德国室内设计网 2018-12-20 18:39:25 1015


位于北京花园里艺术园区内的视觉空间是一座“黑色”建筑,它共有四层,集合了不同功能的多个区域:一层,视觉与味觉体验空间;二层,独立书店;三层,工作室;四层;创意孵化区。各个区域间通过楼板开洞口形成视觉传递及空间流动,使各个楼层之间形成多个互通关系, 空间中通达的动、视线关系由不同尺度的挑空结构实现。

The vision space in the Beijing garden art park is a "black" building, it has four layers which combine multiple areas of different functions:The first layer - The visual and taste experience space;The second layer - An independent bookstore;The third layer Studio;The fourth layer - Creative incubator area.Visual transmission and spatial flow are formed between each region through the opening of the floor, so that multiple intercommunication relationships are formed between each floor. The dynamic and visual relationship in the space is realized by the hollowing structure of different scales.


As the first layer of the visual and taste experience area, large area of interface and space is reserved for various upcoming exhibitions and activities. The hole on the top interconnects with the second floor visually, creating a peeping relationship. The stairway leading to the upper level is partly guided by a ramp, making the staircase from the first floor the starting point for an indoor stroll. It is an experimental space that is willing to open up for all creative ideas. Vision, taste, touch, even intuition, and infinitely waiting for the next one.

一个银色旋转滑梯连接了 2 层和 3 层,它是整座极简、规整、厚重的混凝土质感的现实存在增添了一丝金属色的奇幻感。这种空间体验完美演绎了亚当斯《生命,宇宙以及一切》中的“银色飞船”,“它穿过温暖的晚风徐徐降落,犹如一段舒缓的科技芭蕾。”

A silver spiral slide that connects the second and third layer which superinduces a slightest feeling of metallic fantasy to the simple, neat, heavy concrete reality. The experience space is a perfect rendering of Adams's "Silver Spaceship" in " Life, the universe and everything". It’s said that " It slowly descends through the warm evening breeze, like a soothing technological ballet."

VISION 办公室位于整个空间的最顶层,该空间与一处宽敞的室外露台紧密相连。同时,在自然光的拥抱下,各个界面上不同质感的黑色呈现出丰富的表情,并随着时间而发生变化。

The VISION office is on the top floor of the space, which is connected to a spacious outdoor patio. At the same time, the black with different textures on each interface presents a rich expression which changes with time under the embrace of natural light. 


The folded steel staircase cuts through the entire space, becoming a route from the virtual to the real. From one area to the next (Gallery or taste experience, bookstore and studio) to form a transitional moving line to make full use of space and time to complete an indoor journey.

项目名称 | 北京视觉试验空间

Project Name | Beijing Vision Experiment Space

项目地点 | 北京市朝阳区高碑店金家村中街8号花园里文创园B009 

Project Location | B009, Huayuanli Culture & Creation Center, Jinjiacunzhong Rd, Chaoyang Dist, Beijing, China District, Beijing

设计公司 | 艾舍尔设计

Designer Office | A3 VISION

设计团队 | 王志峰、范 进、南鸿天、刘超

Design Team | Zhifeng Wang、 Jin Fan 、 Hongtian Nan、Chao Liu

主要材料 | 黑钢板、混凝土、青砖、木夹板

Material list | Black steel plate, concrete, , grey bricks, wood plywood

项目年份 | 2018年2月

Project Year | 2018.2

项目面积 | 1125平方米

Project Area | 1125

摄影公司 | 是然建筑摄影

Photographer | Schran Studio


Beijing Vision Experiment Space 




DINZ 重 点 案 例 推 荐

Tony Chi / Invisible Design

Domani / HE HOMME苏州店

Neri&Hu / Suzhou Chapel

正方良行 / 奥轩服饰总部

DINZ 品 牌 设 计 案 例


DINZ德国室内设计网 品牌设计


安德厨电 ARDA GROUP 品牌设计

供稿 / 艾舍尔设计



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