
[SHL / EVENT] Archiword 走进系列 - SHL 上海工作室 + NIO HOUSE 蔚来中心

SHL建筑事务所 2018-11-21 08:26:11 313


《走进》系列第19站:SHL 上海工作室 + NIO House 蔚来中心


In order to help domestic architects learn more about international architure projects, and help with future work or further studies. Beijing Kaixin Urban Development Consulting Co., Ltd. launched a public event since 2016, that is, "走进" series 19th stop: Danish Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects Shanghai Office. 


By cooperating with the world's first-class design firms and carrying out such activities, the aim is to enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of the students in the domestic architectural colleges and provide them with the obligation to support their future development.

活动内容 Schedule

参观交流 Visit Office


SHL Shanghai Office

实地调研 Visit Site

SHL新作 - NIO House 蔚来中心 上海兴业太古汇店

SHL New Project - NIO House, Shanghai Taikoo Hui

活动时间 Time

2018/06/09 - 09:00

活动地点 City

上海 Shanghai

集合地点 Location

入选后由工作人员统一通知 TBC

招募名额 Quota


(名额有限,报满为止!Archiworld 筑通卡持有者,优先参与!)

招募要求 Requirement



For the all college students

(Major: Architecture, Urban Planning, Landscape Design, Environment Art Design, etc.)

如何参与 How to Join



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SHL建筑事务所 About SHL


Schmidt Hammer Lassen was founded in Aarhus, Denmark in 1986. With more than 30 years of experience, Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects is one of Scandinavia’s most recognized and award-winning architectural practices. Working out of studios located in Copenhagen, Aarhus and Shanghai, we provide skilled architectural services all over the world, with a distinguished track record as designers of international high-profile architecture. 


Our permanent staff consists of a dedicated, experienced and well-trained team of architects, landscape architects, planners, design engineers, draughtsmen, model makers, interior architects, multimedia designers, graphic artists and administrative staff. 


In January 2018, the company became a part of global architecture and design firm Perkins+Will, a milestone that allows us to expand into new geographic markets, grow our client base, and apply groundbreaking design research to practice.


Over time, we have learnt the importance of being physically present where we create buildings. We have an office in Shanghai. In addition, we have small offices on site. We do so, because we believe in being present and solving day-to-day problems, including dealing with the local authorities, contractors, consultants and architects.

SHL代表作品 Selected Works



The Royal Library

The Royal Library is one of the most significant architectural landmarks on the Copenhagen waterfront. Clad in black granite, the extension to the Royal Library is known as the ‘Black Diamond’ with its clean-cut lines and glittering polished surfaces, the library is one of Copenhagen’s architectural gems.

丹麦奥胡斯城市媒体空间DOKK1 / 多媒体图书馆


Urban Mediaspace DOKK1 / Multimedia Library

Urban Mediaspace is Scandinavia’s largest public library and represents a new generation of modern hybrid libraries, which will contain multiple potentials. The building is situated at the mouth of the Aarhus River in one of the most prominent sites of the city centre of Aarhus.

ARoS 艺术博物馆


ARoS Art Museum

This striking modern art museum is the cultural centrepiece of Aarhus, Denmark’s second largest city. The new building is designed specifically to welcome visitors, straddling a public thoroughfare that transforms the museum into a 'bridge' linking two of the city’s cultural centres.

耗资四千万欧元的丹麦奥胡斯ARoS艺术博物馆扩建项目The Next Level于2015年启动,这是美国知名艺术家 James Turrell 参与的最大的艺术博物馆项目。扩建将包括一座1200平方米的地下画廊和一座名为 “The Dome” 的巨大半地下艺术装置。The Next Level的扩建引领了全新的艺术表达方式,它将艺术和建筑融合,带来新的感官体验。

The ARoS Aarhus Art Museum' (DK) ambitious 40 million expansion plan, The Next Level, was presented in 2015 and now the design of what will be the largest museum art project by world-renowned American artist James Turrell has been revealed. The new extension will contain several new facilities including a 1,200m2 subterranean gallery and the gigantic semi-subterranean art installation 'The Dome'. The expansion project is leading art towards new ways of expressions and content that will merge art and architecture into a new civic experience.



Malomo Urban Cultural Complex

The building consists of a composition of cubic volumes that are mutually twisted and given different sizes to meet the directions and building heights of the surrounding city. The facades are designed with a homogeneous expression to make the composition appear as one architectonic sculpture.



Vendsyssel Cultural Center

The new 4,200 m Vendsyssel Theatre is a unique, cultural axis for the citizens and visitors to Hjrring in Northern Jutland. The ambition for the new centre has been to create a building which blends into the surrounding environment while standing out as a new, vibrant organism in the city. The approach to the building’s design has been a pragmatic view of culture as an opportunity and experience for all.



Shanghai Library East

The new 110,000 m Shanghai Library will be located in Pudong District - the area of the city known for its iconic skyline, and will sit immediately next to Century Park the largest park in the city spread over 140 hectares.


这座专业的环保能源发电厂位于深圳郊区群山之中,它将成为世界 最大的垃圾焚烧环保发电厂。它将拥有大规模的景观公园,以及一条位于建筑屋顶长约1.5公里的全景景观步道。

Shenzhen East Waste-to-Energy Powerplant

The plant will utilize the most advanced technology in waste incineration and power generation and, at the same time, act as a source of education for the citizens of Shenzhen. An internal circular path and walkway circle the plant explaining each process, before leading up to a 1.5km panoramic public walkway on the roof overlooking the surrounding landscape and towards the city of Shenzhen.



West Shanghai Workers Cultural Palace

The new scheme preserves, expands and transforms an existing park on the site into an inviting 6-hectare public space around a central lake.



Dream Center

Dream Center is one of the biggest and most ambitious cultural re-development on the site of Shanghai’s historic cement factory.

梦想巨蛋 Dream Dome

梦剧场 Dream Theatre



Ningbo new Library

The new 30,000m2 library in the eastern port city of Ningbo in China will sit at the heart of the Ningbo New East Town on the edge of a new ecological wetland area that will form the cultural hub for the new east town.



EXPO Green Valley

The Green Valley project is located on the former 2010 Shanghai World Expo site next to the iconic Chinese pavilion. Green Valley will become a new central urban development in Shanghai, integrating new sustainable solutions in both the urban design and the individual buildings on the site.

NIO House 蔚来中心 上海兴业太古汇店

NIO不仅仅是一家汽车公司,SHL设计的初衷是为他们打造一座超越传统意义的汽车展厅。以NIO品牌核心理念发现、探索和影响为灵感,我们将NIO House设想成一个可以让客人去触摸、感受,带来惊喜和受到启发的场所。

NIO House/Shanghai Taikoo Hui

NIO House will become a space to explore, gather, relax and enjoy with the whole familya home away from home for the owners of NIO products.

关注我们的官网 shl.dk / 微信 / 微博 获取更多项目信息



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