
书籍翻译 | BIM手册-第一章-第1.6.3节

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1.6.3: Construction and Fabrication Benefits(Chapters 6 and 7)



Use of Design Model e as M Basis for Fabricated Components

If the design model is transferred to a BIM fabrication tool and detailed tothe level of fabrication objects (shop model), it will contain an accuraterepresentation of the building objects for fabrication and construction. Becausecomponents are already defined in 3D, their automated fabrication usingnumerical control machinery is facilitated. Such automation is standard practicetoday in steel fabrication and some sheet metalwork. It has been usedsuccessfully in precast components, fenestration, and glass fabrication. This allowsvendors worldwide to elaborate on the model, to develop details needed forfabrication, and to maintain links that reflect the design intent. Thisfacilitates offsite fabrication and reduces cost and construction time. The accuracyof BIM also allows larger components of the design to be fabricated offsitethan would normally be attempted using 2D drawings, due to the likely need for onsitechanges (rework) and the inability to predict exact dimensions until otheritems are constructed in the field. It also allows smaller installation crews,faster installation time, and less onsite storage space.



如果将设计模型转换到一个BIM加工工具并且将之细化到加工构件(工厂制作模型)的级别, 它将包含能准确呈现建筑构件的信息,以用于加工和施工。由于元件已经在3D模型中定义过了,这就能促进数控机床的自动化加工。当今,这样的自动化在钢材加工和一些钣金工程中已经是标配了。这一点已经成功应用于预制元件、开窗和玻璃加工。这样使得世界范围内的供应商能在模型中细化设计,以生成用于加工的详细信息并保留能反映设计意图的联系。这样便能促进场外加工并减少成本和施工时间。或许是现场变更(返工)的需要和完成其它构件现场安装之前难以准确预测尺寸的原因,BIM的准确性也使其能制造出相对于2D图纸所能建造的更大的元件。这也有利于更小的安装队伍、更快的安装时间和更小的现场存货空间。


Quick Reaction to Design Changes

The impact of a suggested design change can be entered into the building modeland changes to the other objects in the design will automatically update. Someupdates will be made automatically based on the established parametric rules.Additional cross-system updates can be checked and updated visually or throughclash detection. The consequences of a change can be accurately reflected inthe e model and all subsequent views of it. In addition, design changes can beresolved more quickly in a BIM system because modifications can be shared,visualized, estimated, and resolved without the use of time-consuming paper transactionsUpdating in this manner is extremely error-prone in paper-based systems.



提议的设计变更之影响可被输入到建筑模型中,并且设计中的其它构件的变更会自动更新。一些更新会基于创建的参数化规则而自动完成。额外的跨系统更新能虚拟地在模型中或通过碰撞检查完成检测和更新。一项变更的结果能准确地反映在模型中和所有与其有关的视图中。  除此之外,由于不必使用耗时的纸质办理而完成共享、可视化、评估以及解决那些修改,因此在BIM系统中可更快地解决设计变更。在基于纸质的系统中,这种更新方式是非常容易导致错项的。


Discovery of Design Errors and Omissions before Construction

Because the virtual 3D building model is thesource for all 2D and 3D drawings, design errors caused by inconsistent 2Ddrawings are eliminated. In addition, because models from all disciplines canbe brought together and compared, multisystem interfaces are easily checkedboth systematically (for hard and clearance clashes) and visually a (for othera kinds of errors).  Conflicts andconstructability problems are identified before they are detected in the field.Coordination among participating designers and contractors is enhanced anderrors of omission are significantly reduced. This speeds the construction process,reduces costs, minimizes the likelihood of legal disputes, and provides asmoother process for the entire project team.





Synchronization of Design and Construction Planning

Construction planning using 4D CAD requires linking a construction plan to the3D objects in a design, so that it is possible to simulate the constructionprocess and show what the building and site would look like at any point intime. This graphic simulation provides considerable insight into how thebuilding will be constructed day-by-day and reveals sources of potential problemsand opportunities for possible improvements (site, crew and equipment, spaceconflicts, safety problems, and so forth).This type of analysis is not availablefrom paper bid documents. It does, however, provide added benefit if the modelincludes temporary construction objects such as shoring, scaffolding, cranes,and other major equipment so that these objects can be linked to scheduleactivities and reflected in the desired construction plan.



使用4D CAD的施工规划需要将一项施工计划链接到设计中的3D构件,因此,是有可能进行施工进程模拟以及展示任何时间节点上建筑、现场情况的。这种图像模拟的形式可为建筑是如何日复一日被建造的提供大量的洞见,并能释放出潜在问题和做出可能的改良(现场、  队伍以及设备、空间碰撞、安保问题,等等)之机会。这类分析在纸质投标文件中是不可用的。然而,如果模型包含临时施工构件(诸如支护、脚手架、起重机和其它主要设备)以便将这些构件链接到日程活动中和反映到所期待的施工计划中,这就会提供附加价值。


Better Implementation of Lean Construction Techniques

Lean construction techniques require careful coordination between the general contractorand all subs to ensure that work can be performed when the appropriateresources are available onsite.  This minimizeswasted effort and reduces the need for onsite material inventories. Because BIMprovides an accurate model of the design and the material resources required foreach segment of the work, it provides the basis for improved planning andscheduling of subcontractors and helps to ensure just-in-time arrival ofpeople, equipment, and materials. This reduces cost and allows for bettercollaboration at the jobsite. The model can also be used with wirelesshand-held computers to facilitate material tracking, installation progress, andautomated positioning in the field. These bene-fits are illustrated in theMaryland General Hospital and Crusell Bridge case studies presented in Chapter9.



精益建造技术需要总包和所有分包们之间细致的合作来保证在现场有可用的适宜资源之时,可以将工程付诸实施。这样可降低精力的浪费并减少现场材料库存的需要。因为BIM可提供设计和工程各环节所需的材料资源的准确模型,它为分包们改进的规划和日程安排提供了基础,并帮助他们确保人员、设备、材料的准时到达。  这能降低成本并有利于工作现场 更好的协作。模型也可与无线手提电脑合用以促进材料追踪、安装进度和现场自动化定位。这些好处在第九章有实例说明(Maryland General Hospital and Crusell Bridge案例研究)。


Synchronization of Procurement with Design and Construction

The complete building model provides accurate quantities for all (or most,depending upon the level of 3D modeling) of the materials and objects containedwithin a design. These quantities, specifications, and properties can be usedto procure materials from product vendors and subcontractors (such as precast concretesubs). At the present time (2010), the object definitions for many manufacturedI products have not yet been developed to make this capability a complete reality.However, when the models have been available (steel members, precast concrete members,some mechanical components, some windows and doors), the results have been verybeneficial.
















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