

admin 2018-4-26 11:21:22 75564
ArchPLUS 是一个包含太多模块的架构建模和分析工具。术语“加号”表示风,太阳和火灾疏散模拟。
您可以在2D和3D中轻松建立基本的建筑几何图形和动态墙。基于增强现实技术(AR)的绘图模式使“3D建模”过程更加愉快,具有真实阴影和粒子追踪功能!可以将任何3D模型(* .obj)导入到该应用程序,然后运行所有模拟!

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此应用程序甚至可以单独用于在2D和3D AR环境中查看手机中的3D模型。但是,ArchPLUS为您提供了更多惊人的功能。您可以进行风力分析,也可以进行“太阳能研究”,指定纬度,经度和其他参数。此外,还可以进行基于AI(人工智能)的“火灾疏散模拟”。

http://www.ruzgartuneli.itu.edu.tr/en/archplus/ 官方网站
ArchPLUS is an architectural modelling and analyses tool with too many modules. The term “plus” denotes for wind, solar and fire evacuation simulations.
You can easily model basic architectural geometries and dynamic walls in 2D and 3D. Augmented reality (AR) based drawing mode makes the “3D modelling” process much more enjoyable with real shadows and particle tracking feature! It is possible to import any 3D model (*.obj) to this app and then run all of the simulations!

This app can be even used solely to view 3D models in your mobile phone in 2D and 3D AR environment. However, ArchPLUS has extra amazing features for you. You may conduct wind analyses, and also “Solar Study” with specifying latitude, longitude and other parameters. Moreover, it is also possible to conduct “Fire Evacuation Simulations” based on AI (artificial intelligence).

The unique 3D modelling algorithm works very fast and easy to be get adapted. For instance, you can manipulate vertices of a basic cube to achieve more complex shapes. The GUI (Graphical User Interface) is very easy to get which button makes what, besides the help screen is interactively shows button functions.

The software can also be downloaded from appstore and google playstore. The commercial or academic version of the software additionally contains a mobile license free of charge.

Real-time airflow can be visualised with streamlines changing in size and colour in adaptation with speed. This app is developed for wind engineers, mechanical engineers and architects desire to solve fluid – solid interaction with Particle Based Simulation. The airflow around 3D geometries can be seen in high resolution thanks to faster convergence technics and innovative cell type. Multiple storey buildings can be modelled and analysed. For analysis of different storeys, cut plane slider tool is developed to move wind tunnel analysis plane. This tool changes the wind tunnel plane to horizontal or vertical, as well. In brief, this app make the user understand Computational Fluid Dynamics basics and nature of the wind in real-time with the virtual geometries cast on the real surfaces!

最近将召开一个在线研讨会: 1.png
[color=rgb(25, 157, 93) !important]About this Webinar
Sign up for this webinar and get the mobile app for Free (worth $100).

ArchPlus is a 3D modeling and simulation software both for mobile (IOS and Android) and standalone (Windows & Mac) platforms. It enables users to conduct wind and solar analyses (shadow range studies). Real-time airflow can be visualized with streamlines changing in size and color in adaptation with wind speed. Besides real-time shadow ranges can be seen realistically with defining location parameters like latitude & longitude.

In this webinar, basics of natural ventilation and wind-building interaction will be shown at first to explain the many features of ArchPLUS. Then, example scenes at building scale and urban scale will be analyzed with ArchPLUS.


- 3D model import, view and analyze
- Solar study
- Natural Ventilation Analysis
- Building Aerodynamics Simulations
- Urban Planning
- Fire Evacuation Module

[color=rgb(25, 157, 93) !important]Presenters


Vignesh Kaushik
Vignesh Kaushik is an Architect focusing on the use of Computational Design, Building Performance & BIM to deliver Design Technology services to companies in the AEC Industry.


Ilker Karadag
After receiving his undergraduate degree in architecture (2010), he started to study Master in Building Sciences Program of the METU Architecture Department. He continued his graduate studies as research assistant in the same program with the year of 2011. In 2014, he started his Ph.D. at ITU Faculty of Architecture /Building Sciences Program and still continues to work as research assistant at the Department of Building Physics and Environmental Control. Besides, he is the only developer of the ArchPLUS software which enables the user to conduct wind and solar analyses in Augmented Reality environment.



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