
(技术文档翻译)IFC2SKP Beta 版Sketchup6的插件

Brian_BIM 2008-9-18 23:54:22 574476

下面介绍的是IFC2SKP Beta 版Sketchup6的插件的说明和下载。



IFC2SKP Beta version is a plug-in for Google SketchUp 6. This application works inside SketchUp and has the ability to load IFC data from popular BIM (CAD) applications such as ArchiCAD, Revit and Microstation. The plug-in will not only load the geometry or object data into SketchUp from the IFC file format but it will also display the BIM data of each imported objects.

IFC2SKP Beta 版是针对谷歌Sketchup6的插件。该系统可在Sketchup内部工作,并有能力从通用的BIM(CAD)软件,如:ArchiCAD, Revit, 和Microstation软件中载入IFC数据。

IFC2SKP is in beta and is free to use. There are no time rescritions or limits. Feel free to give us your feedback on the IFC2SKP forum. Futhermore, the ruby script that comes with IFC2SKP is an open source for developers. Please check the documentation on useful information about the Ruby script.

IFC2SKP Beta是免费使用的。没有任何时间限制。欢迎在IFC2SKP论坛回馈你的使用经验。而且,IFC2SKP所使用的ruby代码是公开给开发者的资源。请查阅相关资料。

Import,edit and render inside SketchUp


The IFC2SKP plug-in has the potential of allowing you to import your ArchiCAD, Revit, Microstation models into SketchUp, add SketchUP materials to the model and then rendering it using Podium.

IFC2SKP插件可以让你将ArchiCAD, Revit, Microstation的模型导入Sketchup,把Sketchup的材料加入模型中并用Podium进行渲染。

Import your IFC file into SketchUp



Add material and edit the model in SketchUp



Render the model with Podium!!




9 回复

2008-2-5 21:27:38
How it works


Download and then install IFC2SKP plug-in. Make sure SketchUp is closed before installing. Once the plug-in is installed, access it from the Plugins menu in SketchUp 6. Download the PDF manual and sample IFC files as well.


After installing, open Sketchup. Next, Select IFC Converter from SketchUp's plugins menu and click "Show Model" in the flyout menu. An explorer dialog box should open up which allows you to select the IFC file you wish to import. We have made three IFC files available for you to experiment with. Select your file and click "Open."


Next, a properties dialog box will open which allows you to configure the output of the plugin to your specifications. You can decide which objects to draw, the colors of the various IFC objects, and details related to the design‘s context. Note the checkbox labeled "Show Property Dialog when Object clicked" which is located just above the "Set Colors" and "import" buttons. If clicked, this enables the user to explore the model‘s IFC information while viewing it in Sketchup. Once you are satisfied with the selections you have made, click the import button. After a few seconds or minutes, depending on the IFC file size, your model should appear in SketchUp. If the import process crashes SketchUp, try importing the same model again. Chances are the IFC2SKP plugin will import the model from the point it carshed. After successful import, Zoom All to see the entire model.


To view the BIM data on each imported object, go to the IFC Converter menu and pick Toggle IFC Property Dialogue. Then click on one of the objects of the model which have been converted to SketchUp groups. A dialog box with BIM data will display.

要查看载入物体的BIM数据,去IFC转换器的菜单并选择Toggle IFC属性对话框。然后点击模型的其中一个已经被Sketchup组件转换好的目标物体。一个显示BIM数据的对话框会显示的。

You can also load IFC data once you have saved the imported model to an .skp file. Please read the IFC2SKP installation guide for more information.


Beta Version Beta版本

The IFC2SKP is in beta. As you test it, you will find that when you import large IFC files to SketchUp, that the program will crash SketchUp during the process of importing. The crashes will create a SketchUp bug splat. When this happens, we suggest, that you open SketchUp and import the same IFC file. This action will often restart and complete the import process from the point the file crashed. Feel free to participate in the Forum to report your findings and your feedback.


From Secom IS Lab

自Secom IS实验室

The IFC2SKP SketchUp plug-in was created by the research department of Secom (Secom IS Lab). Secom is one of the world's largest providers of home and building security systems. Secom has headquarters in Tokyo, Japan and have offices in 12 other countries. Please click here for a link to Secom IS Lab's English web site.

IFC2SKP SketchUp插件由Secom公司研发部门创造。Secom是一家全球最大的住宅和建筑物安全系统供应商之一。Secom在日本东京和12个其他国家有总部。

The research department of Secom is very involved in the International Alliance for Interoperability , the organization that creates the specifications for the IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) file format a CAD/ BIM data format which is neutral and not proprietary.

Secom的研发部门积极参与国际互动协同联盟,这个机构创建了IFC(工业基础分类)文件格式的规格,一个CAD/ BIM数据格式,且是中立的,并不具有所有权。

Since Secom is a buidling and home security system integrator and not a software vendor, Secom's IS Lab has asked Cadalog, Inc. to distribute the beta version of IFC2SKP to the SketchUp community.

由于Secom是一个建筑和家居安全系统的整合公司,并不是软件的供应商,Secom IS实验室邀请Cadalog公司在SketchUp社区公布IFC2SKP beta版本。
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IFC2SKP_inst_guide.pdf (980.71 KB, 下载次数: 40)
ifc2skp.zip (4.4 MB, 下载次数: 79)
老大厉害      收下了
Podium我喜欢!学习一下!)28d )28d
2008-2-14 11:55:32
老大厉害 收下了...........
2008-2-25 10:55:06
太漂亮了 谢谢楼主了
2008-9-18 17:11:38

ifc文件 是什么?

ifc文件 是什么?